Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Records Division

Photo of police records clerk at a computer.
ORS 192.420 provides that every person, corporation, firm, partnership, association, and any member or committee of the Legislative Assembly, has the right to inspect any non exempt public record of a public body in Oregon.
On this page

Oregon State Law prohibits disclosure of information deemed confidential or sensitive or as exempted from public disclosure. Examples of confidential, sensitive, or exempted information include (but are not limited to):

  • Elder Abuse            
  • Child Abuse   
  • Juvenile Records      
  • Physical and mental health information
  • Information related to an ongoing investigation
  • Certain personal information

The Portland Police Bureau reserves the right to furnish copies of documents in lieu of inspection in order to provide for the protection of the records and to prevent interference with the regular discharge of the duties of the Portland Police Bureau and its members.

Public Records Requests

To submit a public records request or check the status of an existing public records request please visit the Portland Public Records Request Center.

Please be advised that all public records requests require payment. Please see the City of Portland Fee Schedule.


As the result of an understaffed division, increased workload, financial restrictions, and the new Records Management System, the Police Bureau is currently experiencing a backlog of requests for public records. The processing time may take up to 4 weeks from when a public records request is received. If you have made your public records request online through the Portland Public Records Request Center, you may check the status of your request on the website. If you submitted a written public records request and it has been longer than 16 weeks, you may contact public records personnel at 503-823-0756.


Public interest and financial fee waivers will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, the Police Bureau needs to recover the actual cost of providing records to offset the burden these requests place on the Police Bureau. Due to the division’s limited staffing, financial constraints, and the high volume of requests to the Police Bureau, fee waivers will be rarely granted but will be considered under special circumstances. Your fee waiver request will be reviewed based on the answers to the questions sent to you after you have submitted your public records request.


  • Public Records Unit: 503-823-0756
  • Information on how to submit a public records request or get a copy of your police report, call the automated information line 503-823-0041.
  • Questions or problems with the Portland Public Records Request Center website (online requests):
  • To send and receive your public records request by mail please use this form and mail your request along with a check or money order, in the appropriate amount made payable to: TREASURER, CITY OF PORTLAND

Portland Police Bureau
Records Division
1111 SW 2nd Ave, Room 1126
Portland, Oregon 97204

Towing and Impoundment

To find out if your vehicle has been towed and how to get it back, follow the instructions in the Towing Instructions and Information section. 

Traffic Citations

Information about your traffic citation.


 Important Notice:

You must comply with the laws that authorize the issuance of subpoenas for your criminal, civil or administrative case, such as ORS 136.580, ORCP 55, FRCMP 17, FRCP 45.   Please review the applicable laws related to the issuance of a subpoena. 

The Portland Police Bureau has the right to object or move to quash a subpoena.   The Bureau reserves the right to object or quash subpoenas which are technically flawed, employed for impermissible discovery purposes, and/or seeking privileged or confidential documents that cannot be released in absence of valid court review or order.  

Please make sure that your Subpoena Duces Tecum includes a valid evidentiary hearing date. 

Due to COVID restrictions and staffing shortages, in person service is not available at this time.

Contact Public Records at 503-823-0756 to see if service can be completed via email or U.S. mail.

Faxed subpoenas will not be accepted.

Address your subpoena to: 

Portland Police Bureau
Custodian of Records
1111 SW 2nd Avenue, Room 1126
Portland, Oregon 97204

Or if emailing, publicrecords-ppb@police.portlandoregon.gov

The Portland Police Bureau requires, at minimum, three business days notice for response. Please review the applicable laws related to the issuance of a subpoena. 

Requesters must pay the reasonable costs for production of documents.

Name Record / Background Checks

This record only lists contact between an individual and the Portland Police Bureau for which a police report was created. 

FEE: Name Record/Background Check/VISA Letter ………..… $8.50 per individual

Criminal History Checks

Requesting a Criminal History

All requests for Criminal History checks are done through the Oregon State Police Bureau of Criminal Information.

For more information call: 503-378-3070  or visit their website.

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