On August 13, 2010 the Portland City Council replaced Ordinance 183657 with amended Ordinance 183995 establishing a Police Review Board, 3.20.140. The Board process has a Public Reports component. Section I of the Ordinance requires published public reports twice annually. These memorandums are being posted on the Police Bureau’s web site to comply with the Ordinance.
I. Public reports. As often as deemed necessary by the Board, but at least twice each calendar year, the Board shall publish public reports summarizing its statements of findings and a summary of any training and/or investigation issues or concerns. Except as provided otherwise in this Subsection, the reports shall keep confidential and not include involved officers’ names, the names of witnesses, or the name of any complainants. The reports shall be written by the Board facilitator. The reports may not be released before a final decision, including discipline if any, is made by the Chief or Commissioner in Charge.