Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Person Crimes

Outline of Police Badge
Crimes Against Persons are those whose victims are individuals.
On this page

Assaults / Bias Crimes

If you have been the victim of a bias crime assault or you are witnessing one, immediately call 9-1-1. If you have been the victim of a different bias event and the suspect is no longer present, such as vandalism or graffiti, please call the non-emergency line at 503-823-3333.

The damage done by bias events cannot be measured solely in terms of physical injury or dollars and cents. Bias events may effectively intimidate other members of the victim’s community, leaving them feeling isolated, vulnerable, and unprotected by the law. By making members of minority communities fearful, angry, and suspicious of other groups – and the power structure that is supposed to protect them – these incidents can damage the fabric of our society and fragment communities.

Oregon legislation recognizes that some crimes should be enhanced based on the motivation of the perpetrator. This is already seen in domestic violence and child abuse laws. There is a difference between a criminal who assaults an unsuspecting victim to steal their wallet and one that targets a victim based on the suspect’s perception of the victim’s race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity. When a person targets someone based on one of the above categories, they place everyone in that population in fear. 

Oregon’s Bias Crime statues are separate charges may be applied individually, or as part of a criminal case. The Portland Police Bureau has dedicated investigators to address these serious incidents.

The Bureau investigates and takes reports of bias-motivated crimes and/or incidents. The Bureau encourages any member of our community who is the victim of such a bias event to contact law enforcement. Under Oregon law, bias crimes are defined as any criminal act that targets a victim based on the suspect's perception of the victim's race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identify; and bias incidents are defined as any hostile expression that may be motivated by another person’s race, color, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identify that may not rise to the threshold of criminal behavior.

Detectives work to determine whether or not bias elements are present during the reported crime that align with Oregon law as defined in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS):

* ORS 166.165 - Bias Crime in the First Degree - https://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/166.165
* ORS 166.155 - Bias Crime in the Second Degree - https://www.oregonlaws.org/ors/166.155

Bias crimes resources

Portland Police Bias Crimes Investigations: 503-823-0400

City of Portland, Office of Equity and Human Rights: 503-823-4433

Oregon Department of Justice Bias and Hate Crimes Website

Oregon Department of Justice Bias Crimes Reporting Hotline: 1-844-924-BIAS (2427)

Homicide Detail

In addition to investigating homicides, the Homicide Detail investigates Officer Involved shootings/use of deadly force, felony assaults, kidnapping, custodial interference and missing persons. There is a team of Detectives to respond to homicide investigations on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you have information regarding a homicide, contact Homicide Unit investigators directly at (503) 823-0400. To remain anonymous, witnesses may provide information through Crime Stoppers of Oregon.

Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers of Oregon offers cash rewards of up to $2,500 cash for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in any unsolved felony crime and tipsters can remain anonymous.

Submit anonymous tips online at http://www.crimestoppersoforegon.com or call 503-823-HELP (4357).

Visit the App Store and download P3 Tips to submit secure and anonymous tips.

Missing Persons

There is no 24-hour waiting period to report someone missing!

Reports of Missing Persons:

  • A person, of any age, who is missing with a proven physical or mental
    disability, and thereby subjecting themselves or others to personal and immediate
    danger, should be reported to 911.

  • A person, of any age, who is missing under circumstances indicating that the disappearance
    may not have been voluntary (i.e. abduction or kidnapping) should be reported
    to 911.

  • A person of any age, who is missing under circumstances indicating that his or
    her physical safety may be in immediate danger, should be reported to 911.

  • A missing child should be reported to 911.

  • All other reports of missing persons, of any age, should be reported to the
    non-emergency police number at 503-823-3333

Missing Person Detectives can be contacted at missing@police.portlandoregon.gov with
questions related to missing person investigations. 

Robbery Detail

The Robbery Detail may be reached at 503-823-0400.

The robbery detail is charged with the investigation of robberies reported to the Portland Police Bureau. The primary focus of the Robbery Detail is on First and Second Degree Robbery. These are the most serious forms of robbery in Oregon and carry mandatory minimum sentences.  The detail is also charged with investigating felony weapons offenses and reported cases of extortion.

The following priorities are used in selecting robbery cases for follow up investigation:

  • Threat to Public Safety  
  • Solvability
  • Notoriety
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