Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Second Universal Review and Public Comment Period


Continuing with its practice of providing an opportunity for community members to get involved in the directive review and development process, the Bureau is seeking additional feedback on the updated draft(s) of the following directive(s) listed below. The proposed draft(s) reflect(s) changes made to the current active directive(s) as a result of feedback received during the First Universal Review and Public Comment Period, analysis of best practice standards and internal discussions with subject matter experts. During this time, individuals may submit comments or proposals regarding the content on the updated version(s) of the directive(s) for a period of thirty calendar days. The open public comment period is labeled at the top of the directive for your reference. 

Community members and other stakeholders can submit comments through the "Provide Feedback" link attached at the end of the directive. Comments should be limited to a substantive review of the directive content or proposals for additional related content. Comments should not include questions, as they will not be answered in this forum. After the close of this public review and comment period, all comments received are again discussed during the Bureau’s internal review process for potential inclusion in the final version. The directive(s) pending enactment will be included in an executive summary portfolio and posted on the PPB’s website. Comments will not be solicited during this time.

The Portland Police Bureau is currently in the process of reviewing the following directive(s).  At this time, we are accepting public comments on these policies in their second universal review and public comment period.

No directives are currently posted for Second Universal Review.