The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) values the input of all community members. In an effort to enhance community involvement in the directive review and development process, the Bureau is seeking feedback on the directives listed below. During this time, individuals may submit comments or proposals regarding the content of the current active version(s) of the directive(s) or proposed new directives for a period of thirty calendar days. The open public comment period is labeled at the top of the directive for your reference. Please note that the Bureau has not adopted any proposed revisions to current directives while in the first universal review and public comment period.
Community members and other stakeholders can submit comments through the "Provide Feedback" link included at the end of the directive. Comments should be limited to a substantive review of the directive content or proposals for additional related content. Comments should not include questions, as they will not be answered in this forum. After the close of this public review and comment period, all comments received are discussed during the Bureau’s internal review process for potential inclusion in a draft containing proposed changes to the current or new directive. The Bureau will post an updated draft reflecting changes to the current or proposed directive to the PPB's website at the start of the Second Universal Review and Public Comment Period.
The Portland Police Bureau is currently in the process of reviewing the following directive(s). At this time, we are accepting public comments on these policies in their first universal review and public comment period.
This is a scheduled review of DIR 0850.39.