Dear Portlanders,
The Police Accountability Commission completed its Powers and Duties Phase of work in February. It then began its Structure and Details Phase of work, which focused on developing the form that the new system would take. This phase of work continues, and is expected to end in late April or early May.
You can learn more about the Police Accountability Commission at Police Accountability.
February Summary
The Police Accountability Commission and its sub-committees met five times in February. PAC members also took part in a community event hosted by community-based organization partners to give input into the PAC process.
The Sub-Committee on Officer Accountability held its final meeting on February 2, finalizing a draft document (Areas of Agreement on Officer Accountability) for full commission consideration.
On February 6, February 9, and February 13, the full commission held public meetings. During these meetings the PAC approved the Areas of Agreement on Structural Oversight (which it began discussing in January), as well as the Areas of Agreement on Officer Accountability. This concluded the PAC's third phase of work, Powers and Duties.
On February 16, several commission members attended a joint event hosted by the Oregon Justice Resource Center and Don't Shoot Portland, community-based organizations which partnered with the PAC to ensure their members and networks could provide input into the PAC's process. This was the first of several events hosted by community-based organization partners which PAC members will be taking part in, with more scheduled in April and May.
The Police Accountability Commission began its Structure and Details Phase (its fourth phase of work), on February 27 with a meeting of the Sub-Committee on Reporting and Transparency.
Get Involved!
The PAC website includes a page with more information on how to get involved in the commission's work, including how to watch meetings, give public comment during meetings, and give written public comment to the PAC as well. Written public comment is circulated to the commission in advance of each meeting.
Specific meeting dates will be announced as they are scheduled via this email list and at the website: