Police Accountability Commission Quarterly Report, 2022 Q3

News Article
PAC Quarterly Report 2022 Q3
The Police Accountability Commission releases its third quarterly report, for the period from July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022.

Dear Portlanders,
The City of Portland Police Accountability Commission (PAC) has published its quarterly report covering the period from July 1 - September 30, 2022. This report includes an overview and analysis of the work of the PAC over the third quarter of 2022, which was a portion of the Commission's Fact-Finding Phase. 
The purpose of the 2022 Q3 Quarterly Report is to provide the City Council and community members with a general sense of what the PAC worked on between July 1 and September 30. This report does not represent any final decisions made by the Police Accountability Commission on the structure, powers, duties, or other details of the new community police oversight board or investigatory and disciplinary structure for Portland police. The report will be presented at a public meeting of the City Council later this month. 
The Commission will issue its fourth quarterly report by early February 2023. This report will focus on the period from October 1 to December 31, which will include the completion of the Fact-Finding Phase of Work and much of the following phase, the Powers and Duties Phase of work.
As of the time of publication, the PAC has completed the Fact-Finding Phase and is now working on Powers and Duties, with the intention of identifying areas of agreement among the commission's members on:

  • Access to Information, which addresses how the new oversight board will access the information necessary to do its work (including compelled testimony, subpoena power, and access to police records)
  • Officer Accountability, which addresses how the new system will address a complaint about an officer, from intake through discipline and appeals.
  • Structural Oversight, which addresses how the oversight board will address police and policing on a broader level, including policy and directive recommendations

The PAC event calendar shows all upcoming events, including meetings of the PAC and its sub-committees. As community engagement events, another major focus of the Commission's work, are scheduled, they will also be added to the event calendar.

Full Event Calendar

Get Involved!
The PAC website includes a page with more information on how to get involved in the commission's work, including how to watch meetings, give public comment during meetings, and give advance public comment to the PAC as well.

Thank you!