PAC - October 2022 Summary

News Article
PAC October 2022 Summary

Dear Portlanders,
In October, the Police Accountability Commission completed its Fact-Finding Phase of work, the second phase in the PAC's process of replacing Portland's police accountability system. The Commission approved documents identifying barriers and best practices in Portland's current system, assessed proposals from experts, and investigated practices in other jurisdictions. Later in October, the PAC began its Powers and Duties Phase of work, creating sub-committees, approving co-chairs, and beginning to develop the functions of the new system. 
You can learn more about the Police Accountability Commission at

October Summary
Over the month of October, the PAC and its sub-committees held six public meetings. 
The Sub-Committee on Research met twice. Having previously referred the Draft Areas of Agreement on Proposals to Consider, and to Avoid, from Subject Matter Experts to the full commission on September 26, the sub-committee completed discussions on the Draft Areas of Agreement on Best Practices, and Practices to Avoid, from Other Jurisdictions and referred the document to the full PAC on October 13.
The full Police Accountability Commission met three times to conclude the Fact-Finding Phase. The full commission had approved Areas of Agreement on Barriers to Police Accountability, and Best Practices, in Portland on September 29, and refined the document further in early October. The PAC also approved the referred Areas of Agreement on Proposals to Consider, and to Avoid, from Subject Matter Experts on October 6. Finally, the PAC worked through the referred document related to other jurisdictions on October 17 and 20, approving the document on October 20 and concluding the Fact-Finding Phase. 
The full Police Accountability Commission met again on October 27 to begin the Powers and Duties Phase of work. This included a briefing from Derek Bradley and Heidi Brown, who developed the Charter section (Section 2-10) which was approved by the voters in November 2020. It also included discussion and explanation of three sub-committees for the work of this phase: 
•    Sub-Committee on Access to Information, which would hold its first meeting November 28
•    Sub-Committee on Individual Accountability (later renamed the Sub-Committee on Officer Accountability), which would begin meeting on November 21
•    Sub-Committee on Structural Oversight, which would begin meeting December 1

Get Involved!
The PAC website includes a page with more information on how to get involved in the commission's work, including how to watch meetings, give public comment during meetings, and give written public comment to the PAC as well. Written public comment is circulated to the commission in advance of each meeting.
Specific meeting dates will be announced as they are scheduled via this email list and at the website:
Full Event Calendar