Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • Most City offices are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen plumbing, tree emergencies
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Decisions of the Police Accountability Commission

A blue gradient field with purple words that read "Decisions of the PAC" and an image of three arrows going in different directions

Please note that as of August 6, 2023, the PAC has reopened discussion on several documents, and have tentatively approved revisions to the text but not yet reapproved the full document. As the PAC finishes these revisions and reapproves these documents, revised versions will be posted on this page.

Commission-Approved Documents

Concluding Phase Documents (Overall Recommendations)

The PAC has approved its final recommendations to the City Council, including a City Code proposal and a final report. Previous drafts of the code and report are also available for review.

Transition Plan and Broader System Phase Documents

  1. PAC Transition Plan (07-13-2023)
  2. PAC Areas of Agreement on Broader System (07-10-2023)
  3. PAC Areas of Agreement on Name and Other Details (07-20-2023)

Structure and Details Phase Documents

  1. PAC Areas of Agreement on Board Membership (05-08-2023)
  2. PAC Areas of Agreement on Oversight Staff (05-08-2023)
  3. PAC Areas of Agreement on Reporting and Transparency (04-13-2023)
  • PAC Definitions (05-04-2023)
    This document defines two terms which were assigned by the Council to the PAC, but which would not be defined in any of the Areas of Agreement documents (the other terms are all in another Areas of Agreement document). Those two terms are "Accountability" and "Independent Judgment."

Powers and Duties Phase Documents

  1. PAC Areas of Agreement on Access to Information (01-26-2023)
  2. PAC Areas of Agreement on Officer Accountability (02-13-2023)
  3. PAC Areas of Agreement on Structural Oversight (02-06-2023)

Fact-Finding Phase Documents

  1. PAC Areas of Agreement on Barriers to Police Accountability, and Best Practices, in Portland (10-06-2022)
    The October 6 version is an update to the original version, which the PAC approved on September 29, 2022.
  2. PAC Areas of Agreement on Proposals to Consider, and to Avoid, from Subject Matter Experts (10-06-2022)
  3. PAC Areas of Agreement on Best Practices, and Practices to Avoid, from Other Jurisdictions (10-20-2022)

Internal Process Documents

The Values and Goals of the PAC include overarching values that the PAC believes should be reflected in the new police accountability system (including the new oversight board), goals to help achieve those values, and specific considerations or success criteria to measure the PAC's proposals against. Prior to any substantive decision, the PAC has committed to reviewing the Values and Goals to ensure the possible decision is in line with this document. Prior to its final proposal to City Council, the PAC will ask itself if the proposal meets each of the considerations or success criteria identified in this document.

PAC Agenda and Scope (03-30-2023)

The Agenda and Scope document lays out the various tasks the Police Accountability Commission must complete, organized into six phases of work of roughly three months each in length. This document will be used to plan meetings, and to let the public know when each item under consideration by the commission is likely to be discussed. The 03-30-2023 version is a revision to the original version, approved 03-31-2022 by the PAC, and the second version, approved 09-15-2022 by the PAC.

The City Council required the PAC to develop its own bylaws to govern its work. The PAC adopted these bylaws to define high-level internal governance, with detailed internal processes defined in a separate document (below). The 10-06-2022 version is a revision to the original version, approved 03-31-2022 by the PAC.

PAC Internal Processes (10-06-2022)

The Police Accountability Commission created these internal processes to govern detailed systems which were not covered in the Bylaws. The 10-06-2022 version is a revision to the original version, approved 05-19-2022 by the PAC.

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