Exemption applications take around 2 to 3 weeks to process.
How to Apply
1. Review information to determine if eligible
Owners and property managers will need to know which exemption they are applying for and the rules that apply. Thoroughly review the following
- General Instructions (lower on this page)
Only the situations listed in the Administrative Rules may be eligible.
IMPORTANT: Most exemptions require a landlord to file with PHB and receive an Acknowledgement Letter from this office (in most cases, before entering into a rental agreement). Only in a few, very specific situations can the landlord claim exemption without submitting the form or receiving an Acknowledgement Letter.
2. If eligible, complete the REA form specific to that exemption
Online submission is highly recommended. Paper forms are available to download. Many exemptions require documentation, which is described in the application.
3. Wait to receive an Acknowledgement Letter
The letter will be sent to the contact provided, by email if an email address is provided, otherwise by mail to the mailing address. For most exemptions, the applicant will need to receive the letter before entering into a rental agreement.
4. Deliver copy of Acknowledgement Letter to the Tenant
The landlord must provide a copy of the Acknowledgement Letter to the tenant before giving any notice which triggers relocation assistance or they will not be able to claim the exemption and must pay relocation assistance to that tenant, as required by the ordinance. For certain exemptions, the letter must be received and provided to the tenant before entering into the rental agreement.
General Instructions
Before starting, please read the following important instructions to help you complete the form correctly and avoid delays for your application.
- Please complete all sections of the form. We cannot process illegible or incomplete REA forms.
- Who completes the form: This form is designed to be completed and signed by the Legal Owner(s) of the Dwelling Unit where Exemption from the obligation to pay city Relocation Assistance is claimed. If someone other than the Owner/Landlord is completing this form on behalf of the Owner/Landlord, documentation that conclusively demonstrates that the person completing the REA Form is authorized by the Owner/Landlord of the Dwelling Unit to certify facts and make legally binding statements on behalf of the Owner/Landlord must accompany this form.
- Compliance stipulations: The Administrative Rules referenced in each REA form identify stipulations with which a Landlord must comply in order to claim the exemption. If a Landlord fails to fully comply with each and all applicable stipulations, the Landlord’s claim of exemption is invalid.
- Supporting documentation: Supporting documentation is required for most exemptions. If supporting documentation is required, please review the Documentation Guidance and submit documentation that complies with the guidance, along with your signed and dated REA form. REA forms that do not include documentation, where documentation is required, are incomplete and cannot be processed.
- Contact the RSO for help: If you need assistance completing the REA form, staff are available during the helpdesk hours, except on holidays, to provide technical assistance. Please be advised that the materials and information available through the Rental Services Office are for information purposes only. Our staff cannot provide legal advice.
Relocation Exemption Application Forms
Refer to the Administrative Rules for the official descriptions of each of the eligible exemptions. There are currently twelve (12). Be sure to read the general instructions above before starting your application.
How to submit an application
- Submit online (most recommended)
- Mail, fax, or email the paper form to the Rental Services Office.
Rental Services Office
1900 SW 4th Ave, Suite 7007
Portland, OR 97201
Which exemptions do not require a Relocation Exemption Application (REA) Form?
Exemptions 1, 2, 8, 9, and 10 do not require filing a form, but may have additional stipulations that the Landlord must know.
Select your eligible exemption
List of Eligible Exemptions | REA Form |
Exemption 1 Week-to-week tenancies | No REA required, see: |
Exemption 2 Landlords that share the same Dwelling Unit as their Tenant(s) | No REA required, see: |
Exemption 3: Duplex Landlords that occupy a Duplex as their Principal Residence and rent the second unit | |
Exemption 4: ADUs Landlords that rent a Dwelling Unit on a property with an ADU and live on site | |
Exemption 5: Landlord Absence Landlords that temporarily rent out their Principal Residence for not more than 3 years | |
Exemption 6: Military Service Landlords that temporarily rent out their Principal Residence due to active-duty military service | |
Exemption 7: Immediate Family Member Landlord is terminating a rental agreement for an Immediate Family Member to occupy the unit | |
Exemption 8 Dwelling Unit is a regulated affordable unit and issuing a rent increase | No REA required, see: |
Exemption 9 Dwelling Unit acquired for public use through eminent domain law | No REA required, see: |
Exemption 10 Dwelling Unit rendered immediately uninhabitable | No REA required, see: |
Exemption 11: Demolition Dwelling Unit rented for less than 6 months with demolition permit in place | |
Exemption 12: Sale or Permanent Conversion Fixed term tenancy where Tenant was notified of intent to sell or permanently convert the unit |