Emergency shelters open overnight

The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Wednesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Resources for Landlords and Tenants

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A list of local and statewide resources for landlords and tenants. Find tools, links, and agencies you can contact for help.
On this page


Portland Maps

Portland Maps is the official tool for verifying property jurisdictions. See this guide on how to verify if a property is within the City of Portland. The Mandatory Relocation Assistance policy, Portland Application and Screening policy, and the Portland Security Deposit policy apply only to those properties located within Portland city limits.

AMI Calculator and Income Limits

Calculate area median income, and see the current income and rent limits for federal and city programs. Certain provisions of the Portland Application and Screening policy depend on the area median income and related rent limits.

ORS 90 Residential Landlord-Tenant Law

Residential Landlord and Tenant Laws for the State of Oregon. For general reference, this unofficial version from OregonLaws.org may be easier to use. However, always first review the official text from the Oregon State Legislature for the most up-to-date laws.

Overcoming Rent Denials

Contact any of these organizations to learn more about overcoming rent denials. Also consider registering for the next Rent Well course.

Paying Rent and Utilities

If you need help paying for rent, utilities, or relocation costs, contact these agencies.

Emergency Rent Assistance

Renters can apply for local rent assistance.

For more information, see Rent Relief.

Rent Assistance

Utility Assistance

Search for Rentals

Legal Services

Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO)

LASO provides legal representation on civil cases (including landlord-tenant matters) to low-income individuals throughout Oregon. The Portland Regional Office of LASO maintains a series of handbooks for renters explaining important tenants rights.

Oregon Law Center

Oregon Law Center (OLC) provides free legal help to people struggling to make ends meet on matters related to their homes, livelihoods, medical care and physical safety against domestic violence. The Portland Housing Bureau has partnered with OLC to provide free legal services to low-income tenants living in the City of Portland who are facing eviction.

To seek legal help with a termination notice, housing subsidy termination, or eviction court case call (888) 585-9638 or email evictiondefense@oregonlawcenter.org.

Portland Community College CLEAR Clinic

Located at PCC Cascade in North Portland, the CLEAR clinic provides free legal services to people in the Portland metro area who need a criminal record and eviction expungement; DACA renewal; Housing and immigration court navigation; legal name and gender-marker changes; or other legal advice and referrals for legal services, PCC resources, and community-based resources.

Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI)

If you believe you have experienced unlawful discrimination or retaliation in Housing (rental, sale or lease of any real property for living purposes), you can file a complaint. Filing a civil rights complaint usually begins by filling out a complaint Questionnaire and returning it to the Portland office. If you are unsure if you have a basis for filing a civil rights complaint or just have a question for the Civil Rights Division, view the Fact Sheets on BOLI's website or contact one of their local bureau offices.

Disability Rights Oregon

Disability Rights Oregon upholds the civil rights of people with disabilities to live, work, and engage in the community. Disability Rights Oregon (DRO) helps people with a disability-related legal issue in Oregon.

PSU Student Legal Services

For students at PSU, Student Legal Services assists in landlord-tenant matters in Oregon, provided the opposing party is not also a PSU student. Appointments can be made by phone or online. They cover commons issues such as evictions, security deposit withholding, habitability issues, utility payment, and discriminatory eviction. Also see the Landlord-Tenant Law Handbook, available for free for students.

Mediation Services

Resolutions Northwest

Portland Housing Bureau has partnered with Resolutions NW to provide free mediation services to landlords and tenants with disputes related to a rental unit or rental agreement. Through neutral training mediators, landlords and tenants can reach creative solutions to disputes, improve communication, and avoid eviction court or Small Claims court filings. 

To seek services through the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program, call their office at (503) 595-4890 or email info@resolutionsnorthwest.org.

Referrals, General Services, and Education

Download a printable list:


An information and referral service that helps community members navigate the maze of health and community services. With specially-trained information and referral specialists, 211 is a great first contact for a wide variety of problems and needs. Their staff can help you find information and provide directions on where to contact for resources and additional help.

Fair Housing Council of Oregon

The Fair Housing Council of Oregon promotes equal access to housing by providing education, outreach, technical assistance and enforcement opportunities specifically related to federal, state and local fair housing laws.

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

How to make a Fair Housing complaint. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint. You can also send your complaint through the HUD complaint portal.

Rent Well

The Rent Well tenant education program includes information about reasonable accommodation and modification requests and fair housing protections for people with disabilities. Administered by Transition Projects.


Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT)

A tenant membership and advocacy organization that also provides tenant education. They specialize in assistance for low-income renters, including families with children, people living with disabilities, seniors, and people of color.

Portland Tenants United

A member-led union of tenants focused on fair, equitable access to safe and secure housing in livable communities for all. They have a large list of contacts for tenants' rights information, legal help, inspectors, and rent assistance.

Landlords and Property Managers

Move-In Multnomah

Move-In Multnomah is a new program, launched in April 2022 and led by the Joint Office of Homeless Services, that offers incentives and dedicated support to landlords willing to make housing units available to people coming out of homelessness.

MultiFamily NW

Multifamily NW is a regional association for landlords and property managers. Multifamily NW is an information and education resource for Oregon landlord/tenant law, fair housing, property management best practices and maintenance technician skills. Multifamily NW offers a complete rental forms collection including rental agreements and addendums for Oregon & Washington.

Portland Area Rental Owners Association

A local non-profit for Portland rental owners and managers. Information can be found on rental property management best practices, and training for landlords, property managers, and real estate licenses. Provides services primarily in the Portland Metro area.

Rental Housing Alliance Oregon

Members include small business landlords, industry vendors, and first-time home owners to seasoned home owners. They provide resources such as educational classes, as well as professional advice on maintenance, finances, and insurance.

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