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Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program

Free mediation services to landlords and tenants with rental housing disputes.
A graphic of three people at a table

In partnership with Resolutions Northwest, the Portland Housing Bureau has launched the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program to provide free mediation services to landlords and tenants with rental housing disputes. The goal of the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program is to increase housing stability for tenants, avoid court filings, and improve relationships between landlords and tenants.

Mediation benefits tenants because it does not affect a tenant’s rental or credit history and may help to avoid an eviction. Mediation benefits landlord because it requires less time and money than going to court and often results in improved lease compliance. Mediation benefits both parties because it may result in higher rates of compromise, more creative solutions, and productive communication moving forward.

Financial assistance to help resolve mediated disputes may be available in certain circumstances and subject to availability.

To qualify

Landlords and tenants must meet the following criteria to qualify for the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program:

  • The subject rental unit must be within Portland City limits*, and
  • The dispute must be related to the rental unit or rental agreement.

*Not all rental units that list Portland as their mailing address are located within city limits. How to verify on Portland Maps.

How to get help resolving a dispute

If you meet the above qualifications, the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program may be able to help. Even if the other side does not agree to mediation, Resolutions Northwest may be able to support you in resolving the dispute with the other side through conflict coaching.

To get free mediation and conflict resolution help
Call 503-595-4890 or email

Help spread the word

Let your community know about the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Pilot Program.

A flyer for the Landlord-Tenant Mediation Program.
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