The 2035 Comprehensive Plan and the Portland Plan’s Healthy Connected City provide guidance to expand opportunities for Portlanders to live in complete communities offering a mix of desirable services and opportunities. Affordable housing that is located in a walkable neighborhood near active transportation, employment centers, open spaces, high-quality schools, and various services and amenities enhances the general quality of life for its residents.
The Opportunity Map categorizes Portland neighborhoods into varying levels of opportunity, scored Low to High, with market-rate housing in high-opportunity neighborhoods tending to be expensive compared to more affordable housing in areas that offer fewer opportunities.
How to Interact with the Map
Scroll or use the toolbar (+) and (-) to zoom. Click an area to see the opportunity score.
Points Scale
Areas are scored from 1 to 5 points. The color ranges from light yellow to orange to dark red for the areas with the highest opportunity score.
Mapping Methodology
Childhood Education
(1/5 of total score)
Weight | Indicator or Variable |
60% | Achievement Index Rating (Elementary, High Schools) Scored 1 – 5 on Academic Achievement by Oregon Department of Education |
20% | High School Graduation Rates <73% = 1 point 73.1 – 80% = 2 points 80.1 – 85% = 3 points 85.1 – 89% = 4 points >89.1% = 5 points |
20% | Proximity to Schools evaluated as Access & Achievement Access: 1/4 mile = 3 points; 1/2 mile = 2 points; 1 mile = 1 point Achievement: 1 – 5 ODE Achievement Score Access + Achievement: Combinations like, ¼ mile + 5 achievement score = 8 points |
(1/5 of total score)
Weight | Indicator or Variable |
55% | Density (by number & size of firms) of higher-wage industries in 1-mile radius Includes job sectors that pay Multnomah County at least a self-sufficiency wage of $73,563 for one adult with two children family |
35% | Density (by number & size of firms) of lower-wage industries in 1-mile radius Includes job sectors that pay Multnomah County less than self-sufficiency wage of $73,563 for one adult with two children family |
10% | Proximity to Adult Education Resources
(1/5 of total score)
Weight | Indicator or Variable |
70% | Proximity to Transit
20% | Density of Sidewalks |
10% | Density of Curb Cuts |
Access to Family Wage Jobs
(1/5 of total score)
Measured from 2013 data
Weight | Indicator or Variable |
100% | Number of family-wage jobs within 60 minutes (via mass transit) 486,742 – 646,529 = 5 points |
Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL)
(1/5 of total score)
Weight | Indicator or Variable |
30% | Proximity to Parks/Natural Areas/Senior (District) Centers 1/4 mile = 3 points 1/2 mile = 2 points 1 mile = 1 point |
50% | Proximity to food sources
20% | Proximity to Health Care Providers