Financing has closed on the Strong Family Apartments, meaning that developers Community Development Partners and Self Enhancement, Inc. can now begin construction, bringing 75 affordable homes from 1-3 bedrooms to the prominent corner of N Alberta St. & N Williams Ave in the Humboldt neighborhood. The property was sold to PHB by longstanding neighborhood residents, the Strong Family. The architect on the project is Holst, and the general contractor is Colas Construction.
11 units will be deeply affordable for household making under 30% AMI, while the remainder will be regulated at 60% AMI. The project is subject to the N/NE Preference Policy, which addresses displacement by prioritizing renters whose families have lived in the neighborhood.
On-site amenities include a courtyard and playground, a community room, and resident services. The project is funded by the Metro Housing Bond, which is bringing over 2046 affordable homes to Portland, and exceeding all major goals. Thank you to the voters for supporting affordable housing!