Multnomah County Tenants now have 90 Day Safe Harbor from Eviction for Nonpayment while applying for Rent Assistance

News Article
Multnomah County Ordinance 1296 strengthened protection for tenants. Safe harbor extended to 90 days.

On Thursday July 8, 2021, Multnomah County passed Ordinance 1296 which strengthened protections against evictions for nonpayment of rent for those tenants who have applied for rent assistance. Ordinance 1296 extends the safe harbor period from 60 days to 90 days for tenants in Multnomah County. If the tenant has applied for emergency rent assistance and provided documentation, the landlord cannot serve a termination notice for nonpayment or engage in an eviction court cause for a 90 day period.

Starting July 1, 2021, all tenants must resume paying their monthly rent subject to the protections in SB 278 and Multnomah County Ordinance 1296. Tenants that accrued nonpayment balances during the emergency period of April 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 have until February 28, 2022 to pay back these accrued nonpayment balances.

For more information on COVID related eviction protections and Multnomah County Ordinance 1296 please view our FAQ on the Oregon Eviction Moratorium.

Related: Learn about the Anti‑Displacement Action Plan, a joint effort between the City of Portland and the community to address the harmful impacts of involuntary displacement on residents, businesses, and cultural organizations.