Program status: Awaiting next funding round
The Lead Hazard Control Grant is currently between grant rounds. If you would like to be placed on a waitlist until the next round of funding starts, please reach out to:
If you have a child with an elevated blood lead level, please contact Molly Luft at 503-823-6706.
Lead-based paint was used in many homes built prior to 1978. When lead-based paint is disturbed through remodeling; daily wear and tear on doors, windows and other painted surfaces; or deteriorated by age, it creates dust. This dust can poison children--even a small amount of dust can be enough to do harm.
Through the Portland Lead Hazard Control Program, qualified households can receive grants to cover the cost of remediating lead-based paint hazards. The grant provides eligible homeowners and property owners with an opportunity to improve home health and safety and increase property value.
General Eligibility
Eligible program participants receive the following services:
- Free evaluation of the home to identify lead-based paint hazards
- Report describing options for reducing and controlling identified lead-based paint hazards
- Grant for lead-based paint hazard reduction performed by State of Oregon certified contractor
General eligibility requirements:
- Home/housing built before 1978 located in Portland.
- Homeowners and renters must meet income guidelines.
Owner-Occupied: Total annual household income at or below 80% AMI.
Rental: Total annual renter household income at or below 80% AMI. Additional income guidelines apply for multi-family units.
Find your estimated AMI with this tool
- Requirement for a child age 5 or younger.
Owner-Occupied: A child age 5 or younger must reside in the home or visit the home at least 60 hours a year, or/and a pregnant woman resides in the home.
Rental: A child age 5 or younger is not required to occupy the rental unit at time of assistance, but property owner must market the unit to and give priority in renting the unit to renters with children age 5 or younger for three-years following project completion.
- Affordability agreement for rental properties only.
Rental: Property owner must agree to give rental preference to income qualified renters with children for three-years following project completion.
How to Apply for the Lead Grant
To request a Lead Grant application or ask a question, please contact the Loan Coordinator. Email is the best way to reach us.
Bev Keagbine
PHB Housing Loan Coordinator
Return application to:
Portland Housing Bureau
Attn: Bev Keagbine
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7007 Portland, OR 97201
Want to drop off your application in person?
No appointment needed. Simply drop off your completed application in the grey mail bin in the building lobby on the first floor. If you have questions, please send us an email.
Meet with a PHB Housing Loan Coordinator
Meet virtually or through a phone appointment
To schedule, contact us by email or phone.
In-person appointments available on Thursdays only.
Need a different time? Virtual or phone appointments offer a lot more flexibility. Contact us and we will be happy to help you schedule one. As PHB is operating in hybrid, staff are only in the building on certain days of the week.
Get directions to PHB (1900 SW 4th Ave, 7th floor)
Book now: In-person appointment (Thursdays only)
More Resources
- Multnomah County Leadline, 503-988-4000
Information regarding lead poisoning, lead-safe work practices, or other general issues related to lead-based paint. - Reducing Lead Exposure, Portland Water Bureau
- Lead Paint Control Program for Playground Equipment, Portland Parks & Recreation
- Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home, HUD
- Simple Steps to Protect your Family from Lead Hazards (brochure), HUD
- The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right (brochure), HUD, Renovate Right
- About Lead-Based Paint, HUD
- EPA Lead Information