Environmental Review Project Description for Multi-Family Projects

What are the elements of a well-written project description for an environmental review?

Multi-family Project Description

A good project description clearly answers these five questions for the public.

Who              Who is undertaking the project

What            What specific activities are proposed

When           Timeframe for the project

Where          Location of project

Why              Reasons / justifications for project

General guidance from HUD

What specific details to include

All of the following information should be included in the project description. Action to be performed:

  • Providing insurance, grant, loan
  • Amount/Type of HUD Funds requested
    e.g., $100,000 in CDBG funding; 45 Housing Choice Vouchers; etc.
  • Location 
    Describe so the public can locate (e.g. street address or map coordinates)
  • Purpose and Need 
    Describe what is being done and why it is necessary (Key need for EA Factors)
  • Project Beneficiaries
    (i.e. affordable housing project, mixed use housing project, market rate housing project)
  • Activity Description
    Provide complete details about what will be done.
    • Type of project (e.g. new construction of multifamily housing )
    • Details of aggregated project (e.g., this is a multiphase project that will result in …)
    • Timeframe for implementation
    • Size of the project (area coverage, disturbance footprint, number of units, population served)
  • Area Setting
    • Character
    • Features
    • Resources
    • Trends likely in the absence of the project
  • All other funding sources
  • All development partners

Ready to submit a request? Click the link to open the online form.

Request Multi-family project
environmental review


Anna Shook

Certifying Officer
phone number503-823-2802Email preferred. Voice messages will be returned.