HUD Environmental Reviews

The HUD environmental review process is required for proposed projects that wish to apply for specific HUD funding programs. For agencies in Multnomah County, City of Portland, and City of Gresham, submit a request through the online forms.
On this page

What is an Environmental Review?

Douglas Fir Cone, Credit: Portland Parks and Recreation
Douglas fir cone. Credit: Portland Parks and Recreation

A HUD environmental review is the process of reviewing a proposed project and its potential environmental impacts to determine whether it meets federal funding requirements.

The HUD environmental review process is required for proposed projects that wish to apply for specific HUD funding programs, including HOME, CDBG, and project-based Housing Choice Vouchers, to ensure that the proposed project does not negatively impact the surrounding environment and that the property site itself will not have an adverse environmental or health effect on end users, per federal funding environmental review guidelines. Not every proposed project is subject to a full environmental review (i.e., every project's environmental impact must be examined, but the extent of this examination varies), but every proposed project must be in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Consultant services are often needed to complete an environmental review, including but not limited to:

  • Archeologist or Cultural Specialist
  • Acoustic Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Historic Preservation Architect or Specialist

Responsible Entity (RE)

For agencies and projects in Multnomah County, City of Portland, and City of Gresham:

Portland Housing Bureau
1900 SW 4th Ave, Ste 7007
Portland, OR 97201

Certifying Officer

Please reach out with questions to:

Anna Shook

Submit request for an Environmental Review

Select a form for the project type. Plan ahead to ensure timely access to grant funding.

Tier 2 programs require 7 days.


Home repair

Lead-based paint abatement

Multi-family projects require at least 120 days


Help and instructions

View documentation checklist, timeline, and more

Multi-family projects only: 
Project description

HUD Resources

Male and Female Steelhead Trout. Credit: NOAA Fisheries
Male and female steelhead trout. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Resources from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and HUD Exchange website.

What to expect in an Environmental Review process

Review the information needed for your request form. Having all the right information collected in advance will make filling in the form much easier.


Anna Shook

Certifying Officer
phone number503-823-2802Email preferred. Voice messages will be returned.