Emergency shelters open

The shelters are open until at least noon Tuesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

COVID-19 Housing Assistance Programs

Follow the linked buttons to see current resources and information, including state and local emergency rent assistance. The lower section describes past programs related to the CARES Act, all of which the applications have now closed.

Find Help

If you are a community member in need of assistance:

Contact 2-1-1

Additional resources:

Resources for Landlords and Tenants

Eviction Help for Renters

For current information on emergency rent assistance:

City of Portland | Rent Relief

Multnomah County | Rent Relief

Oregon | Emergency Rental Assistance (Closed Aug. 12, 2022)

See further resources and information on this general city page: COVID-19 Resources

Past Programs

COVID-19 Household Assistance Program (Bank Card)

This program has ended. More about this past program

If you need assistance with rental support, please contact 2-1-1 or see the links at the top of the page to state and local resources.

COVID-19 Rent Relief Program (CVRRP)

New funds for Multnomah County are being deployed through the COVID-19 Emergency Rent Assistance Program (ERAP).

$29 million in rent assistance, which included $25 million of federal CARES Act funds, was used to aid COVID-impacted households throughout Multnomah County. More about this past program and the organizations involved.

If you need assistance with rental support, please contact 2-1-1 or see the links at the top of the page to state and local resources.

Homeowner Financial Assistance

More about this past program

Mortgage Counseling and Navigation Services

More about this past program

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