Property Eligibility

HOLTE Program
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A home may be eligible for the HOLTE Program if it is new construction located within the City of Portland. PHB has a list of properties with approved builder applications which is updated at least quarterly.

To inquire about a specific property’s eligibility, please contact the HOLTE Program staff at PHB.

There are additional criteria in order for the exemption to be available:

Builder application

Builder must apply to PHB for the program prior to building permit issuance. PHB will approve no more than 500 new applications each fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Builders applying for the program agree to build high quality homes which contribute to the livability of the surrounding area, register with a green building certification agency, and to partner with PHB to assure that communities of color are aware of properties for sale with exemptions and report on and pursue MWESB contracting opportunities.

Single-unit housing

Proposed construction must be a single-family home, townhome or condominium.

Bedroom count

Proposed homes must have at least three bedrooms unless built within approved transit-oriented areas, in which case two bedroom homes are allowed.

Two-bedroom eligibility areas

Map of Portland with eligible areas marked in purple

Areas highlighted purple indicate where a unit with at least two bedrooms may be eligible to apply for the HOLTE 10-year limited tax exemption.

You can also verify two-bedroom eligibility on Portland Maps:

Screenshot from Portland Maps
Portland Maps
  1. Go to Portland Maps
  2. Search an address
  3. Below the owner information, click to expand the tab for Permits & Zoning
  4. Select the button Zoning & Districts.
  5. Scroll down to Development Areas. The display will indicate Yes or No as to whether the address is located in a HOLTE Eligibility Area for 2 Bedroom.

Construction time frame

Permits may not be issued at the time of application and construction must be completed within two years from PHB approval of the application. The property must be fully constructed upon sale (documented by final permit or certificate of occupancy and usually verifiable by PHB through Portland Maps). 

Time limit to sell

The newly constructed home must sell within two years of activation of the exemption.

Design standards

Proposed homes should be of high quality and contribute to the livability of the surrounding area. At a minimum, construction must meet the City of Portland’s Base Zone Design Standards.