Builder Application
Builders must apply to the Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) for the HOLTE program prior to building permit issuance. PHB will approve no more than 500 new applications each fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Builders applying for the program agree to build high quality homes which contribute to the livability of the surrounding area, register with a green building certification agency, and to partner with PHB to assure that communities of color are aware of properties for sale with exemptions and report on and pursue DMWESB-SDVBE (Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Emerging Small Businesses, Service Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises) contracting opportunities. All sales must be arm's length transactions.
Annual cap*
PHB will approve no more than 500 new applications each fiscal year (July 1–June 30). Applications shall be exempt from the annual cap if the home being built is:
(1) subject to an affordable housing covenant as defined in ORS 456.270; and
(2) affordable to a homebuyer whose household income does not exceed 80% of the Median Family Income (MFI).
Time frame
Property owners may apply for the exemption by submitting a completed HOLTE Builder Application including all supporting documentation through email to prior to building permit issuance. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Application fee
PHB will request the application fee of $1,000 once the application is processed. The check should be made out to:
Portland Housing Bureau
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Ste 7007
Portland, OR 97201
The Multnomah County processing fee which is currently $850 will be due and payable through BDS upon permit issuance.
Green building
Applicant must participate with a green building organization approved by PHB, such as:
- Earth Advantage
- US and Green Building Council’s Leadership and Energy in Environmental Design (LEED)
- Energy Star
- Energy Trust of Oregon
URA approval
For properties located in Urban Renewal Areas (URA), PHB will contact Prosper Portland for agreement prior to approval of the application.
Equity goals
Applicant shall acknowledge awareness and understanding of PHB’s Guiding Principles on Equity and Social Justice and Strategic Priority of Helping Portlanders from Communities of Color buy a home, and agree to partner with PHB to assure that communities of color are aware of properties for sale with exemptions.
DMWESB-SDVBE contracting
Applicant shall acknowledge familiarity with PHB’s Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Emerging Small Businesses, Service Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises (DMWESB-SDVBE) guidelines and contracting opportunity goals, report on past contracting relationships, and contracting opportunities to be created in the construction of the property.
PHB will record a notice on title to the property requiring PHB verification of homebuyer affordability and owner-occupancy qualification prior to the sale of the property to the initial homebuyer.
Transfer of title prior to initial sale
Any transfer of title to another owner (i.e., builder, developer or financial institution) prior to sale to the initial buyer, requires a HOLTE Subsequent Builder Application to be submitted to PHB for approval. The exemption can continue as long as all other terms of the program are met.