PHB is glad to present the 2023 Progress Report for Portland’s Housing Bond.
Passed by voters in 2016, Portland's Housing Bond committed $258.4 million to create 1,300 permanently affordable homes for Portlanders in need. Alongside the Bond Oversight Committee, PHB has worked to ensure that Bond investments reflect the values of the communities they are intended to serve and support.
2023 brought us ever closer to fulfilling the true promise of the Bond, while also exceeding our targets. With 11 of 15 projects open, the Bond had opened 1,284 affordable homes by the end of the year, already inches from meeting and then surpassing the original total unit goal. These 1,284 units are housing an estimated 2,938 Portlanders, and the remaining 575 units in development will bring that total to over 4,000. Once all projects are complete, PHB will have exceeded our goals for total units, deeply affordable units, Permanent Supportive Housing units, and multi-bedroom units suitable for families.
Thank you so much to the voters of Portland for supporting this critical initiative! You have made enormous impact on this city and on our ability to keep our vulnerable neighbors safely and stably housed.
Special thanks to:
Boys & Girls Club of Portland
BRIDGE Housing
Cascade AIDS Project
Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare
Catholic Charities
Central City Concern
Centro Cultural
Community Development Partners (CDP)
Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH)
El Programa Hispano Católico
EngAGE Northwest
Familias en Acción
Hacienda CDC
Home Forward
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)
Impact NW
Innovative Housing, Inc.
Lifeworks NW
Native American Rehabilitation Association (NARA)
Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA)
New Narrative
Northwest Housing Alternatives
Northwest Pilot Project
Related Northwest
Our Just Future
Try Excellence, LLC
Vibe of Portland
and of course, the Bond Oversight Committee.