Request for Public Comment: Portland Mitigation Action Plan (MAP) 2021

Public Notice

The Portland Bureau of Emergency Management is updating Portland’s Mitigation Action Plan (MAP), which is the city’s strategy to reduce risks from natural hazards over time. Portland is vulnerable to earthquakes, floods, landslides, wildfires, and severe weather. The MAP takes a detailed look at how these hazards could hurt people and property, and describes how the City will systematically decrease these risks over time.

The MAP brings together mitigation work being done across the City. City of Portland bureaus manage infrastructure, plan for long-term capital improvement and community-level investments, and administer a wide variety of programs. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires updating the MAP every five years to reflect any changes in hazards and new development in built infrastructure. The plan update process is also an opportunity for the City of Portland to reflect on community priorities and to learn from what has taken place since the previous plan.

Drafts of individual chapters of the 2021 MAP Update are available for public comment at Comments will be accepted until 11/11 via email to

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