Basic NET Unit 9 - Comms Training

Every NET volunteer's basic training includes an overview of radio communications: how radio is used, the different kinds of radio used by NET, and how to get trained on radio. This radio overview is Unit 9 of Basic NET training.

This training unit was added to Basic NET Training in early 2014. Completing unit 9 is also a required step towards ARO certification.

A volunteer who has not received Unit 9 can either sit in on the class the next time it is offered at Basic NET Training or a volunteer can review the study material here and complete the quiz linked below. Doing so will qualify a volunteer as having completed Unit 9.

What to read to prepare for the quiz:

UNIT 9 QUIZ: After you have reviewed the class packet and Section 900 of the NET Guidelines, you are ready to complete the online quiz. Before submitting the form, select "Send me a copy of my responses" at the bottom. If you pass, print or forward the confirmation to your RTL if you are planning to complete ARO training.

Remote Media URL

Reference map of FRS channels for Portland NET. Designated channels help to ensure that teams do not interrupt each other if using FRS radio at the same time.



Emergency Management