Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

NET ARO Standards and Training

A NET Amateur Radio Operator (ARO) is a volunteer who has received basic training on radio principles, has a valid FCC amateur radio license, and has completed radio operations training. Once a NET volunteer has completed those steps, they receive a NET ID with the ARO designation.

In order to become a NET ARO, a candidate must complete the following steps:

  1. Contact your TL (Team Leader) and tell them your desire to become ARO certified.
  2. Complete Unit 9 of Basic NET training, which is an overview of radio communications. Anyone who has graduated from Basic NET since February of 2014 has already completed this step, as it is required for NET certification. NETs who have not received this training have two options:
    • Sit in on the unit during a Basic NET class (email the NET Coordinator for details); OR
    • Review the curriculum and complete an online quiz confirming that the candidate is familiar with the principle concepts.
  3. Receive your FCC amateur radio license and call sign. This process means preparing for the FCC exam (through a class or other method) and passing it.
  4. Obtain fundamental FEMA Independent Study (IS) certificates. The IS certifications needed are: 100 200 700 and 800. The classes for these certifications are internet based and can be completed at your leisure. IS-100, 200, and 700 also have wide application and are recommended for NET volunteers generally.
  5. Complete ARO Certification. With the first four steps complete, you are now ready to work with your Radio Training Liaison (RTL) listed below to demonstrate your proficiency of the items on the
  • If you are radio-proficient -- understand the remaining components of the certification task list -- you are ready for certification and can contact your RTL to sign up for the next certification group offered.
  • If you are not radio-proficient -- cannot demonstrate knowledge of each of the remaining task list items -- you will need additional experience prior to certification. While each operator is ultimately responsible for his/her own training, your RTL can likely refer you to hands-on radio operations training in your area or another operator -- an “Elmer” -- that may be able to assist.

There are six RTLs, with each assigned to an area of Portland:



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