PBAC Charter
PBAC Bylaws
This is the Bylaws of the Police Bureau-wide Advisory Committee ("PBAC" or "Committee"), created pursuant to the PBAC Charter of June 9, 2022.
Committee Purpose and Values.
The PBAC will carry out the purpose and scope of work as identified in the PBAC Charter and through PBAC decisions.
The PBAC will advise the Chief of Police (“Chief”) of the Portland Police Bureau ("PPB" or "Bureau"), and assistant chiefs, precinct commanders and/or division managers (collectively with the Chief are “Bureau Leadership”) on behalf of the Portland community. PBAC's advisory focus includes the Bureau's strategic plan; budget development; Bureau and community priorities; and performance measures and metrics. PBAC will also focus on Bureau initiatives that impact equity, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement and outreach, as well as any arising Bureau challenges and opportunities. PBAC's advisory focus will be reviewed every two years and, at such time, will be refined or renewed.
Members and Terms.
Composition: Unless amended by its Charter, PBAC shall consist of 12 Members. Members are volunteers and serve without compensation.
Eligibility: Unless amended by its Charter, PBAC Members must meet the eligibility to service on the PBAC: a person who lives, plays, worships, goes to school, works or does business in the City of Portland. The Bureau will undertake reasonable actions to recruit prospective members through the Bureau's public recruitment processes, which may include Committee and/or Staff interviews. Prospective members must complete the Bureau's advisory body volunteer application process expressing their interest in serving on the Committee. Candidates are expected to have interest in the work of PBAC, be able to provide quality perspective to the PBAC, reflect the demographics and geographic diversity of the City, and be able to commit to the term of service on the Committee.
Appointment: Members are appointed by the Chief. PBAC may make recommendations to Bureau Leadership regarding the recruitment and appointment of prospective members or the reappointment of existing Members.
Term of Service: Members shall serve two-year terms commencing July 1st until June 30th of the second year after start of term, except for the initial formation of the PBAC where the Chief will identify randomly one-half of the Members to serve one- year terms and one-half of the Members to serve two-year terms. A staggered approach ensures institutional memory on the Committee.
A Member appointed to fill a vacancy or resignation will complete that former member’s remaining term of services.
A Member may serve any number of terms, provided that the Member does not serve more than eight-years of total consecutive years of service. At the end of eight years of consecutive years of service, a Member must take at least one year off before reapplying.
Prior to the completion of each term, regardless of term length, each Member is required to notify Bureau Leadership or Staff of intent to continue serving. Members are expected to fulfill their term of service. Any Member who is unable to complete their term must notify Committee Leadership and Staff in writing.
Absence: Members shall attend all PBAC meeting unless reasonable cause exists for absences. Whenever reasonably possible, Member shall notify Staff and Committee Leadership in advance of an impending absence and the reason thereof. Staff will maintain attendance records in the Minutes of the meeting which shall indicate absences. If any Member is absent for more than three scheduled Committee meetings during a 12-month period, determined on a rolling basis, the Member is considered constructively resigned from the Committee and will be informed in writing that they have been removed unless the Member informs the Chief and Committee Leadership of continuing interest and commitment to serve on the PBAC.
Vacancy: Vacancies are filled through the Bureau's public recruitment processes for appointment of Members.
III. Organization.
Ground Rules & Decorum: PBAC may adopt and amend Ground Rules governing the conduct and decorum of its meetings. Initial Ground Rules are in Attachment A. The Ground Rules will be enforced by the Chair, Vice Chair or the meeting facilitator identified by the Chair, Vice Chair or Staff. The Committee has the option to use Robert's Rules of Order.
Meetings: PBAC will meet at least once monthly, on a date established by the Committee. Additional Committee meetings may also be scheduled during annual budget or bi-annual advisory focus review, or as determined by the Committee Leadership. Unless otherwise identified in the agenda, PBAC will hold public meetings and hearings by telephone, video, or through some other electronic or virtual means. Each PBAC Meetings will start and end on time unless Staff, Members and Bureau representatives in attendance at the meeting all agree to extend the scheduled meeting time.
Meeting Agenda: Committee Leadership will develop meeting agendas and circulate them to the Members for feedback at least one week prior to Committee meetings. Members, Staff, and Bureau Leadership may recommend agenda changes or additions. Staff will have responsibility for disseminating notices of PBAC meeting dates, times, and locations, and other meeting materials.
Meeting Participation: All Members are encouraged to participate fully. The Chair and Vice-Chair facilitate meetings in a manner that ensures all Members and invited guests have a voice in the process. Committee Leadership may call upon specific Members to speak, who may then accept or decline comment.
Recorder of the Meeting: Unless a Member has been appointed to the role, Staff will serve as the designated recorder of the meeting. The recorder of the meeting will keep contemporaneous meeting notes to document Committee discussion in summary format, records actions and decisions, and receive recommendations.
The recorder of the meeting will compile draft and approved meeting minutes summarizing actions taken during Committee meetings. When Staff is not the recorder of the meeting, the recorder must promptly provide copies of all public records made by the recorder following the conclusion of the meeting.
f. Non-Statutory Body: PBAC is not an advisory body that is statutorily required to comply with Oregon Public Meetings Law (OPML) under ORS 192.610-690. Unless otherwise determined, the Committee PBAC will provide public notice of the schedules and agendas for its meetings.
PBAC will invite public attendance at its meetings, unless otherwise noted by PBAC. For meetings where the public attendance is expected, the Committee will make available a method by which the public can listen to or virtually attend the public meeting at the time it occurs. The Committee does not have to provide a physical space for the public to attend the meeting.
Public testimony, if allowed during the public meeting, can be taken by telephone, video, or through some other electronic or virtual means, or by submitting written testimony, including by email or other electronic methods, that the Committee may consider in a timely manner.
Quorum; Voting; Limitations on Actions.
Quorum: One-half plus one of total number of Members comprising the Committee constitutes a quorum. A quorum is required to take any action, make decisions or provide recommendations that represent the Committee’s position and to fulfill any other responsibilities assigned to the Committee. Proxy/absentee voting is not permitted.
The Committee uses the consensus model to reach majority agreement. The Committee reverts to a quorum model if unable to reach consensus.
Limitation on Actions: The Committee actions, decisions and recommendations must not unlawfully discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, legal citizenship, criminal background, national origin, income, political affiliation, marital status, familial status, or other protected class status.
Committee Leadership (Chair and Vice-Chair).
Chair and Vice Chair: PBAC will be led by a Chair and a Vice-Chair who will be the Committee Leadership. The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected by Members in consultation with Bureau Leadership. This will take place at the second meeting of the new term.
Staggered Term: The Chair and Vice-Chair serve two-year terms, except at the initial formation of the PBAC where the Chair will serve an initial two year term while the Vice-Chair will serve a one-year term.
Vacancy and Replacement: In case of a Chair or Vice-Chair vacancy, the Committee recommends a replacement appointment to Staff or Bureau Leadership. The replacement Chair or Vice-Chair will complete the balance of the term of the vacant Committee Leadership position.
Removal: The Committee may vote to recommend to Staff or Bureau Leadership the removal and/or appointment of a Chair or Vice-Chair.
e. Representational Role: The Chair and Vice-Chair represent the Committee before the Bureau Leadership and serve as primary liaisons between the Committee and the Bureau. The Committee may also designate other Members to represent the Committee on specific issues. As Committee representatives, the Chair and Vice- Chair limit their commentary primarily to issues specifically addressed by, or voted on, by the Committee. In no event shall the Chair or Vice-Chair, or a Committee Member represent an action, decision or recommendation as being that of the Committee, Bureau or the City, unless such action, decision or recommendation had been formally adopted.
The Committee may at any time vote to establish or terminate ad hoc Subcommittees of at least three Members, with a maximum number not to exceed Committee quorum, to address specific issues related to the Committee's purpose.
All Members are eligible to participate in Subcommittees, subject to the affirmative majority vote of the Committee. Participation on a Subcommittee is optional.
The Committee may designate more specific roles and responsibilities for any Subcommittee through amendments or addenda to the bylaws.
The facilitator of a Subcommittee will be determined by the Chair. The designated facilitator encourages full and safe participation by Subcommittee Members and the public, if invited to attend or participate, in all aspects of the process. The facilitator also assists in the process of building consensus and ensures that all participants abide by Committee and Subcommittee operating procedures and interaction guidelines.
Subcommittees meet as frequently as needed. Subcommittees will inform the Committee of its meeting schedule and agenda.
Unless Staff attends the Subcommittee meetings, the facilitator will direct a Subcommittee Member to record meeting minutes to document their actions, decisions and recommendations, and provide those minutes to Staff. Subcommittee Members are expected to share the content of Subcommittee discussions and actions with the Committee. Care should be taken to attribute decisions and views to the Subcommittee rather than to individual Members.
Budget Advisory Committee Function.
PBAC may be requested to function as the Bureau’s Budget Advisory Committee, in which case requisite additional Bureau employee representatives will supplement the membership of the Committee. Specific number of Bureau employee representatives will be identified by the Chief.
When functioning as the Bureau’s Budget Advisory Committee, quorum will be the majority of the total additional Bureau employee representatives (TBD) plus PBAC membership (12). Actions, decisions and recommendations as the Bureau’s Budget Advisory Committee will be made by its majority.
Special Meeting Requirements: When functioning as the Bureau’s Budget Advisory Committee, PBAC will hold a separate single subject meeting, specifically on the topic of the Bureau’s budget. Staff will provide notice to the public regarding the dates, times, and locations for accessing the meeting. The public will be invited to attend, except that public attendance requirement may be satisfied solely through electronic meeting format as may be desired by the Chief. A public comment
period with reasonable time limits will be identified on the agenda. Written comments are allowed and incorporated into the meeting minutes.
d. Meeting Protocol: The meeting protocol outlined in this bylaws will apply to a meeting when PBAC functions as the Bureau’s Budget Advisory Committee, unless additional or supplemental protocols are adopted by PBAC in consultation with the Chief.
Annual Report and Work Sessions Budget Recommendations
The Committee submits to Staff and Bureau Leadership an annual requested Budget Recommendations Report. The annual requested Budget Recommendations Report summarizes the Committee's work during the previous year and includes: a summary of the issues reviewed and discussed; a list of briefings and reports provided by Staff, Bureau Leadership, and other bureaus, agencies, and community organizations; and a summary of recommendations to Bureau Leadership.
The Committee may seek input from Staff and Bureau Leadership in developing work plans and annual requested Budget Recommendations Report.
Upon request, the Committee also provides Staff and Bureau Leadership with work plans for the coming year.
Bureau Support of the Committee.
Bureau Staff Assistance and Advice: The Bureau will assign one or more staff to provide the Committee with technical support, substantive expertise, logistical assistance, administrative support and general guidance.
Exchange of Information: Staff will support the Committee with information and best practices that may be available from other Bureau advisory groups engaged in such issues as, but not limited to, community engagement, equity, behavioral health, training, public safety, and oversight.
Public Records.
a. To ensure transparency, public participation, and compliance with all Oregon public records laws, Staff will serve as the custodian of the public records produced by PBAC. All records of PBAC are public records, including but not limited to formal documents, discussion drafts, meeting recordings and summaries, and exhibits.
XI. Government Ethics and Conflicts of Interest.
a. Members while serving on the Committee will comply with Oregon Government ethics laws under ORS Chapter 244 and City Code of Ethics under PCC 1.03. Additional City Human Resources Administrative Rules (HRAR), including but not limited to HRAR 4.07, apply to Members who are City employees. Members who are met with a conflict of interest must publicly announce or disclose the nature of the conflict of interest. In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the Member may participate in the action, decision or recommendation on the issue giving rise to the potential conflict of interest after announcing the conflict. In the event of an actual conflict of interest, the Member shall not participate in the action, decision or recommendation on the issue giving rise to the actual conflict of interest. ORS 244.120. Staff shall keep a record of all conflict of interest announced.
XII. Bylaws Amendments.
a. All amendments to these bylaws must be proposed in writing and announced in the 5
published agenda of a Committee meeting.
Staff shall submit proposed bylaw amendments to the Bureau’s assigned attorney at the Portland City Attorney's Office (via PPBLegalAdvice@portlandoregon.g…) for legal review and comment.
Adoption and amendment of these bylaws require affirmative votes of a minimum of two-thirds of the Members (8). The Bureau Leadership must approve any amendments to the Bylaws. Bylaw Amendments will note the dates of Committee adoption and Bureau Leadership approval.
Original Bylaws Created by: Ken Lee, Sr. Business Operations Manager
Committee Adoption on: June 30, 2022
PPB Services Branch Approval by: Assistant Chief Leasure on June 9, 2022
Reviewed by: Chief Charles Lovell on June 9, 2022