PBAC: Get Involved!

hands raised to volunteer
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Email Updates

The Police Bureauwide Advisory Committee (PBAC) now has a public email list! Members of the public can click here to sign up to receive emails about the work of the PBAC and public notice for upcoming meetings and events.

This email list is expected to have 1-2 emails a month, with less frequent emailing in the spring-summer months and more frequent emailing in the autumn-winter months due to PBAC's increased workload leading up to the budget request submissions in the first quarter of each year. The email list is maintained by staff support for PBAC (housed in the Community Safety Division).

Public Comment

Community members can give public comment in two ways:

  • Verbal public comment during a live meeting or through voicemail
  • Written public comment in advance of a meeting

To give verbal public comment, please attend an upcoming meeting of PBAC or its sub-committees. Public comment periods are usually towards the end of the agenda. Please raise your hand (in person or on Zoom) to be called on and give public comment.

To give written public comment, please fill out the online public comment form. Public comment through this form is categorized based on what it's about, so it can go to the right PBAC meeting (a full committee meeting, sub-committee meeting, etc.) It is circulated in advance of the meeting to members so they have time to read it, and it is included in the public record of the meetings.

Apply to join PBAC!

The Portland Police Bureau is looking for community members to serve on its Bureauwide Advisory Committee (BAC).

BAC members will gain an understanding about the Portland Police Bureau’s programs and services through an initial onboarding/training process given by the bureau. This understanding will be used to then actively discuss and advise the bureau’s budget decisions. This is an opportunity for you to provide input throughout the budget development process.

As a member of the BAC, you will be asked to:

  • Fulfill a two-year term (with a possibility of re-application for an additional term)
  • Regularly attend and participate in monthly BAC meetings September through January (approximately six meetings)
  • Assist the bureau with identifying the community's priorities for the bureau
  • Review the bureau's objectives and assist with prioritizing budgeted programs
  • Provide feedback on proposed budget decision packages
  • Provide input to the bureau’s Budget Equity Assessment Tool
  • Contribute to a BAC report for submission with the bureau’s Requested Budget

 Interested candidates must complete an application, which includes the following sections: General Information, Application Questions, and a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form. Information provided in any of these sections is public information. At the end of the form, there is a voluntary and confidential section entitled Confidential Demographic Information Form. Any information provided under this section will only be disclosed as required by law. The City uses demographic information to identify larger patterns so that it may better engage and serve diverse populations.

Please consider this opportunity to provide valuable input to the PPB!

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