18:33:32 From Nathan Leamy to Hosts and panelists: Here is the PSR Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/pfrcommunityhealth/viz/PortlandStreetResponseDashboard/PSRDashboard 18:57:35 From Nathan Leamy to Hosts and panelists: This article provides one perspective on why a freeze took place: https://www.opb.org/article/2023/07/27/portland-street-response-team-manager-resignation/ 18:59:56 From Liz Taylor (she/her) CSD to Everyone: https://www.portland.gov/pccep/documents/pccep-recommendation-fund-stabilize-and-expand-portland-street-response-approved/download 19:24:25 From Kala Franklin (she/her) to Hosts and panelists: PSR % of calls that result in request for Police assistance PSR % of calls that result in request for Fire assistance PSR % of calls that result in AMR transport PSR Average response time PSR 90th percentile response time PSR % of calls that result in an arrest PSR % of calls that result in a physically violent encounter PSR Annual call volume PSR % of calls that result in referrals to outside agencies for assistance PSR % of calls related to drug or alcohol use PSR % of calls related to mental health PSR % of comorbid calls involving both drug or alcohol use and mental health PSR % of calls involving a homeless individual PSR Average time on scene PSR % of calls high utilizers 19:24:35 From Kala Franklin (she/her) to Hosts and panelists: This is PSR measures 19:24:59 From Nathan Leamy to Hosts and panelists: From Marc Poris, an attendee: "Grateful for everyone here tonght. Thank you for inviting Caroline. There is a Letter of Agreement for Portland Street Response in the PPA contract on Page 91. https://www.portland.gov/bhr/employee-relations/labor-relations/documents/cop-2021-2025-collective-bargaining-agreement-ppa/download It states that there is a committee that “will meet and confer for the purposes of creating integrated public safety response protocols. I think that is where PSR’s restrictions come from. It would be great to shed some light on this committee." 19:38:05 From Nathan Leamy to Hosts and panelists: Highlighting from Marc in the chat: "Thank you. If I heard correctly that there is a meeting next Tuesday, it would be fantastic to see that listed on PBAC’s Events page. Thanks all for being here. I need to drop off now." 19:39:13 From Sameer Kanal (he/him) - Community Safety Division to Everyone: http://tinyurl.com/pbacupdates Sign up for email updates on PBAC!