Services, Guides, and Information

166 services and resources found
Information on caring for trees in Portland.
This page contains information about the different sources of Portland Parks & Recreation funding, and what each source can and cannot be used for.
Local environmental groups in Portland you can volunteer with.
Talk trees at cultural events and festivals, help with Yard Tree Giveaway events or put on some work gloves and plant trees in parks. There are so many opportunities to get involved.
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) is thrilled to provide programming with resources from the Parks Local Option Levy (Parks Levy)!
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) sẽ cung cấp thông tin cho người dân Portland bằng bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào được yêu cầu. Vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi để yêu cầu các dịch vụ miễn phí nhằm giúp cho các chương trình và dịch vụ được dễ tiếp cận hơn đối với quý vị.
Парки и зоны отдыха Портленда (PP&R) предоставляют информацию всем жителям города Портленда на любом языке по запросу. Связывайтесь с нами для получения бесплатных услуг, чтобы наши программы и предложения стали для вас более доступными.
Portland Parks & Recreation(以下简称 PP&R)将以任何要求的语言向所有波特兰居民提供信息。请联系我们以申请提供免费服务,让您能更便捷地访问我们的程序和产品。
A regional online triage tool that helps public health officials track COVID-19 cases and allows community members to check their symptoms and receive guidance.
During times like this it is important to acknowledge the prevalence of mental health disabilities and how the impacts of COVID-19 can impact an individual’s mental wellbeing. It is vital for people to be provided with tools and information to aid them in maintaining wellness during this time.