Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Friday, Feb. 14, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open all day Friday, until 10 a.m. Saturday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Parks Project Plans and Studies

Creston Park Playground Project
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Current Parks Construction and Planning Projects

Review a sortable list of all active Parks Construction and Planning Projects with project information, estimated timelines, and contacts. 

Parks Replacement Bond

Parks Replacement Bond funds are for urgent repairs and other capital costs, not park operations. The measure authorized up to $68 million in general obligation bonds to make repairs and improvements and prevent more closures like we’ve seen at Couch playground and the Maple Trail in Forest Park.

Levels of Service for Developed Parks, Natural Areas, and Community Centers 

The Level of Service (LOS) project developed a tool that recommends what experiences and facilities should be provided in developed parks, natural areas, and community centers, and how those assets and facilities will be equitably distributed across the City.

The previous PP&R level of service goals were established in the Parks 2020 Vision plan:

  • A developed park or natural area within a ½-mile (10-15-minute walk) of every resident; and
  • A full-service community center within 3 miles of every resident. 

This project takes the next step and describes what features Portlanders can expect in parks throughout the city and at what frequency. These Level of Service goals help us understand what features park users expect to have in most parks and what experiences people are willing to travel greater distances to use. For example, the Level of Service project has established goals for the following features within two park types:

  • Developed Parks: Ballfields, Basketball Courts, Community Gardens, Dog Off-Leash Areas, Group Picnic Areas, Play Areas, Plazas, Skateparks, Sports Fields, Spray/Interactive Fountains, Tennis Courts
  • Natural Areas: Interpretive Signage, Paved Trails, Soft Surface Paths, Trailheads, Viewing Areas, Wayfinding Signage

To determine the Level of Service for Developed Parks and Natural Areas, we created a process that  evaluated the following factors:

  • Reviewed community input received through the 2017 Community Needs Assessment and other community involvement processes relevant to the project.
  • Conducted focus group listening sessions with constituencies who have not typically been provided access to decision-making (especially communities of color, immigrants and refugees),
  • Attended community events in which we discussed with people what their “local park needs” are.
  • Determined how much a proposed level of service would generally cost (including construction and operating costs); and,
  • Projected how the proposed service levels could be funded over time, informed by financial planning PP&R is currently doing.

The Level of Service affirms a vision for the park system and creates recommendations for prioritizing system growth. These recommendations will be an important foundational part of future visioning projects.

Note for Community Centers report: Minor adjustments to figures in this document are being updated currently. They are not substantive changes, and the updated document with the revised figures will be posted when ready. ​​​​

Systemwide Plans and Reports

Past Project Plans and Studies

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