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Parking Guide for Parks

cars in parking lot
This guide will help you understand how parking works at city parks, including: parking rules, rates and hours, what to do if you get a citation, and frequently asked questions.
On this page

Pay in Parks With Mobile Pay

The most convenient way to pay for parking is on the Parking Kitty app.

  • Pay with your phone
  • Get alerts before your session expires
  • Extend your session remotely
  • Email receipts make it easy to keep track of expenses
Parking Kitty

Simply download the app on your smart device with the link below or visit the Parking Kitty Website to pay from a browser. 

Parking Kitty Parking Zones in Parks

Parking Kitty Zone Map

  • Washington Park | Zone 401 - 411
  • Pittock Acres Park | Zone 1440
  • Willamette Park - Vehicles without trailer | Zone 1441
  • Willamette Park - Vehicles with trailer | Zone 1443
  • Waterfront Park - J Block | Zone 1399
  • Waterfront Park - Hawthorne Bridge Lot | Zone 1439
  • Waterfront Park - Morrison Bridge Lot | Zone 1499
  • Multnomah Arts Center - Lot C | Zone 1344
  • Cathedral Park - Boat Ramp Lot | Zone 1442

Pay in Parks at a Pay Station

Washington, Pittock, and Willamette Parks have pay stations. You can pay with coin, credit, or debit card. Note some meters in Washington Park do not take coins. Use the next meter or Parking Kitty. 

Parking at Washington Park

4033 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 9722
Click here for more information about Washington Park.

Washington Park's parking revenue is used ONLY for projects in and for the park itself.

More info: 

Pay to Park

  • Parking Kitty Zones 401-407, 409-411
    • Hours: Daily 9:30am – 8:00pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $2.40 per hour, $9.60 daily maximum.
  • Parking Kitty Zone 408
    • Bus and for hire vans only
    • Hours: Daily 9:30am – 8:00pm, including holidays.
    • Rates:
      • March - October: $10 minimum/drop off, $40 maximum.
      • November - February: $5 minimum/drop off, $20 maximum
  • Event Rates Zones
    • Effective: Dates TBD
      • Meter Rates: $3.60 per hour, $10.80 maximum
      • Parking Kitty Rates: $3.20 per hour, $9.60 maximum
  • Parking Permits

Park gates lock at 10:00 pm, except in Lots A, B, and C.
Overnight parking is only allowed up to one night in Lots A, B, and C.

  • Kingston Drive and Rose Garden Way gates open at 6:30am
  • Fischer Lane gate opens at 7:30am
  • Park gates may open later or close earlier without notice.

Reports and Documents

Washington Park Transportation and Parking Administrative Rules

Parking at Pittock Acres Park

3229 NW Pittock Drive, Portland, Oregon 97210
Click here for more information about Pittock Acres Park.

Pay to Park

  • ParkingKitty Zone 1440.
    • Hours: Daily 9:30am – 8:00pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $2 per hour, $8 daily maximum.
  • Parking Permits
    • PP&R Volunteer Permits are coordinated through the PP&R volunteer coordinator.
    • Pittock staff and volunteers are managed by the Pittock Mansion Society.

Park gates lock at 9:00pm. No overnight parking.

Parking at Willamette Park

6500 S Macadam Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97219
Click here for more information about Willamette Park.

  • Trailer parking is allowed only in designated spaces.
  • Parking on the boat ramp and in the parallel parking spaces on the north or south edges of the lot are for loading and unloading boats only. 

Pay to Park 

  • Parking Kitty Zone 1441 vehicles without a trailer
    • Hours: Daily 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, including holidays.
    • Rate: $1 per hour.
  • Parking Kitty Zone 1443 vehicles with a trailer
    • Hours: Daily 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, including holidays.
    • Rate: $5 per day.
  • Parking Permits:
  • Exempt from Pay-to-park in Willamette Park.
    • Guests with an official valid disabled parking placard.

Parking at Cathedral Park

N Edison Street and Pittsburg Avenue, Portland, OR 97203
Click here for more information about Cathedral Park.

  • Trailer parking is allowed only in designated spaces.
  • Pay-to-Park in the boat ramp lot only. 

Pay to Park 

  • Parking Kitty Zone 1442 vehicles with trailer
    • Hours: Daily 5:00 am – 7:00 pm, including holidays.
    • Rate: $5 per day.
  • Parking Permits:

Parking at Governor Tom McCall Waterfront Park

J Block

From northbound on Naito: 1720 SW Naito Pkwy

Pay to Park

  • ParkingKitty Zone 1399. Mobile payment only.
    • Hours: Daily 5:00 am - 10:00 pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $2 per hour, $12 daily maximum
      • Check Parking Kitty app for current specials

Hawthorne Bridge Lot

From northbound on Naito: 1200 SW Naito Parkway

Pay to Park

  • ParkingKitty Zone 1439. Mobile payment only.
    • Hours: Daily 5:00am – 10:00pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $4 per hour, $18 daily maximum.
      • Check Parking Kitty app for current specials

Morrison Bridge Lot

From southbound on Naito: 499 SW Naito Parkway

Pay to Park

  • ParkingKitty Zone 1499. Mobile payment only.
    • Hours: Daily 5:00am - 10:00pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $4 per hour, $12 daily maximum

Park closes at midnight. No overnight parking.

Parking at Multnomah Arts Center

7688 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219

Visit the MAC Pay to Park FAQ page for more info

Parking Lot C

Pay to Park:

  • ParkingKitty Zone 1344
    • Hours: Daily 5:00 am - 10:00 pm, including holidays.
    • Rates: $1.60 per hour
  • Permits
    • Staff and volunteer permits are coordinated through MAC Management. 

Parking Lots A, B, and D

MAC users only. 

Multnomah Arts Center Parking Lots close at 10:00 pm. No overnight Parking. 

Parking for people with disabilities

Oregon Disabled Parking Placards

If you have a regular disabled parking placard or disabled plates, you must pay to park for the time you need.

If you are in a wheelchair and have an Oregon Wheelchair User parking placard, or have an Oregon Wounded Warrior parking placard, you may park at no charge. Wheelchair user placards are light blue and have the words “Wheelchair User” clearly written on the front of the placard. Wounded Warrior placards have either a sticker or text clearly written on the placard. Out of state placards/plates must pay to park.

To learn more about Oregon's disabled parking programs visit Oregon DMV.

If you are a resident of a state that does not have wheelchair user placards, are a wheelchair user, and are visiting the city of Portland, visit PBOT's website for disabled user parking permits to learn more about city offered permits. 

I received a parking citation

Citations are issued under City Code 16.20.431 City of Portland Owned or Operated Property.

Once issued, you can pay your citation online or contest it through Multnomah County Circuit Court. 

You must do one of the following within 30 days of the date on the citation, or the citation will be delinquent. 

  • Option 1: PAY YOUR CITATION 
    Pay online or via postal mail. To pay by mail, make your check or money order payable to State of Oregon. Write your citation number and auto license plate number on the check or money order, and mail to the address on the back of the citation. Do not mail cash. 
    Pay your citation online.
    Request a fine reduction by submitting an online Parking Fine Reduction Requestfor certain violations. Visit the court website and click on Online Parking Case Submission for details. The Parking Fine Reduction Request form is a waiver of your right to a court hearing and consent to any judgement rendered. Request a fine reduction online.
    To request that the court review the circumstances surrounding your citation, submit the Response To Parking Citation form, available on the court website. Or, to schedule a court hearing where you can present your case directly, insert in the yellow citation envelope a copy of the citation and a separate written request for a hearing. You may also appear in person at the Circuit Court to request a hearing. 

If you believe you received a citation due to an error, please e-mail washingtonparkparking@portlando…, or have your receipt ready and call 311. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who manages parking at city parks?
All parking in City parks is managed and maintained by the Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R). We’re happy to answer any questions you have about parking at city parks, feel free to give us a call at 311.

How do I enter my license plate?

Enter your license plate including the stacked characters [alphanumeric only, no special characters] on your phone or the touchscreen at a meter. See examples below:

Oregon license plate 000BBB


Oregon license plate 9P0000


Oregon license plate CA00000


Oregon license plate D40406


Oregon Temp Permit P000000


Oregon Temp Permit  012345


What if I type my plate number incorrectly?

It is very important to review all of your parking details before purchasing your time. Parking sessions cannot be adjusted once started. Should you start a session on the wrong license plate, you will need to immediately start another session with the correct license plate number. If Parking Enforcement Officers are not able to match the license plate on your vehicle with the transaction data, you will receive a citation.

Can I move spaces after I paid with Pay by Plate? 

Yes, as long as it is within the same zone. 

Where am I NOT allowed to park?
This is not an exhaustive list. Always check the signs where you park!

  • Parking within parks is allowed only in designated parking areas.
  • Don't park anywhere with a No Parking sign.
  • Don't anywhere with yellow curb painting. No part of your vehicle should be in the yellow part.
  • Don't park within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
  • Don't park in the travel lane (no double parking).
  • Don't park in a bike lane.
  • Don't park outside marked lines
  • Don't park in a crosswalk. No part of your vehicle should be in the crosswalk.
  • Don't park blocking an ADA curb ramp. No part of your vehicle should block any part of a curb ramp.
  • Don’t park in a trailer parking only area, unless your vehicle is attached to a trailer.

Is parking free during holidays?
No, you must pay to park during holidays in city parks.

What if the meter malfunctioned?
If you believe a citation was issued due to a meter error, first check to:

  • Ensure you paid for the correct license plate number.
  • If you paid with Parking Kitty, ensure the zone number was entered properly.

If the zone and license plate are correct, we will look into the issue for you. Have your citation and receipt ready and call 311. 

How can I add more time to a session?
If your time expired, visit any meter in the park. Note that each purchase starts the time over, so you should wait until your current time is about to expire to purchase again. For an easier alternative, use Parking Kitty and add more time to your session at any time, from anywhere.

Can I get a refund?
As indicated on the meters, no refunds are provided. For questions about double charges, call 311.

Who is exempt from paying to park? 

  • Any government vehicle, so identified by public registration plates, may park without meter fee for the maximum time limit allowable at any metered parking space.
  • A vehicle with an official state-issued “Wheelchair User” plate, placard permit, or decal.
  • A vehicle with an official “Wounded Warrior” placard may park without a fee.
  • Any additional exemption will be listed on the individual location guidelines.
  • Applicable permits distributed by PBOT.

Can I reserve parking?

  • Reserving parking is allowed in exceptional circumstances. Reserving parking may be considered for:
    • special event visitors with special accommodation needs or limited mobility,
    • filming,
    • maintenance or construction activities,
  • The City of Portland will recover all costs from the permittee and assess fees associated with reserved parking and park road closures.
  • Reserving parking must be approved by Portland Parks and Recreation through a special use permit. Permits | Parks & Recreation |


Danny Dunn

Program Coordinator


Park Location or Entrance
Head of SW Park Place
Portland, OR 97210
400 SW Kingston Avenue
Portland, OR 97210
Park Location or Entrance
S Macadam Avenue and Nebraska Street
Portland, OR 97219
Park Location or Entrance
3229 NW Pittock Drive
Portland, OR 97210

Hoyt Arboretum

Park Location or Entrance
4000 SW Fairview Blvd
Portland, OR 97221
Park Location or Entrance
4000 SW Canyon Road
Portland, OR 97210

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