Free Trees for all Portlanders; Register Now

News Article
Portland Parks & Recreation’s Urban Forestry Team is Hosting the 7th Annual Yard Tree Giveaway

(Portland, OR) –

It’s time for Portlanders to get FREE TREES for their property in the annual Yard Tree Giveaway!  Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R)’s Urban Forestry department is giving away 2,000 trees through the program this autumn.

Register now to receive up to two free trees for your private property!

A man with a beard, wearing a hoodie poses by a white van with a free young yard tree received during a PP&R Urban Forestry department event. Register now for YOUR free trees!

While anyone living in Portland is eligible, PP&R’s Urban Forestry staff are specifically working to get more trees planted in the hottest areas of our city.  Most of these “heat islands” are located east of the Willamette River. The Yard Tree Giveaway focuses events in and near neighborhoods with the highest temperatures and the fewest trees.

If you are looking to get free trees, you can register now. There are still 125 trees available. Remaining species include Douglas fir and Willamette Valley ponderosa pine.

Register online now to reserve your tree(s) at or call 503-823-4963.

You can pick up your trees, mulch, and a watering bucket at these Saturday drive-through events:

Saturday, October 28, 2023
8:30 am – 1:00 pm
East Portland – Ventura Elementary School

Saturday, November 4, 2023

8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Southeast Portland – PP&R Mt Tabor Nursery

Free delivery is available to homes in the Bridgeton, Cully, East Columbia, Humboldt, Piedmont, Powellhurst-Gilbert and Woodlawn neighborhoods.

We also offer limited tree planting by our staff for people who need accommodation.

Advance registration is required.

You can register at or call 503-823-4963
Para registrarse en español, llame al 503-207-3505. (To register in Spanish, call 503-207-3505).

Since the first Yard Tree Giveaway event in 2017, Portland Parks & Recreation’s Urban Forestry team has given away more than 6,500 trees.


  • Advanced registration is required by visiting
  • If online registration is a barrier for you, please call (503) 823-4963 or email for assistance.
  • Trees are for planting on private property (not in containers or as street trees).
  • Trees must be planted within the City of Portland. This can be private yards, property around apartment buildings or neighborhood common spaces, as long as there is property owner approval.
  • Limit two trees per property address.
  • Trees are not to be used to fulfill planting permit requirements.

About Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry

The mission of PP&R’s Urban Forestry department is to manage and care for Portland's forest infrastructure in the city, for current and future generations. Our urban forest consists of 220,000 street trees, 1.2 million park trees, and innumerable private property trees. PP&R Urban Forestry staff are involved in managing or regulating these trees to differing degrees- creating and implementing the City's Urban Forest Management Plan, fostering community tree awareness and stewardship, developing tree policies and programs, monitoring, and assessing the urban forest, issuing permits for planting, pruning, and removal of public and some private trees, and responding to tree emergencies.
