PP&R launches translation style guide and glossaries

News Article

(Portland, OR-)

Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) has launched five translation style guides and language glossaries as part of the Inclusive Communications Project.

The translation style guides were created as a reference tool for content developers such as writers, translators, editors, reviewers, graphic designers, and project coordinators.

A photo of the Inclusive Communications Project flyer. Text reads, "INCLUSIVE COMMUNICATIONS PROJECT. GLOSSARY & TRANSLATION STYLE GUIDES." It then lists translations in several languages, with a bar code and instructions to "SCAN TO ACCESS THIS RESOURCES ON PARKNET"
Please use the bar code in the above graphic to access this resource on the internet. This effort is a joint initiative between PP&R's Equity & Inclusion team and our communications unit.

Project Coordinator Kathy Dang said the guide will help staff understand how to create source content that will be successfully translated in a way that best reflects the Portland Parks & Recreation voice.

 “The purpose of this Style Guide is to ensure all content leads follow the guidance outlined here to keep voice, tone, and style consistent in all multilingual communications,” says Dang. With more than 350 terms, the guides and glossaries are focused on simplified Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, English, and Spanish.

The project utilized an approach to translations by other Bureaus who have demonstrated success in the use of glossaries and style guides for their teams. As part of the project, PP&R Community Engagement Liaisons were invited to review the draft translation glossary for nuances and practical application of terms. The liaisons represented Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Russian-speaking communities. Their lived experience, cultural and linguistic expertise, and context as community leaders provided critical input on the draft translations.

The glossaries and guides are available internally for use by staff and teams across the Bureau. “These resources are an important step to ensuring mindful and considerate translations based on the linguistic needs of the communities we are centering,” said Dr. Cherelle Jackson, Communications Manager for PP&R.