Maintenance and repair work to be completed on major downtown transportation corridor and gathering space
(Portland, OR) -
The Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade will reopen on Friday, March 29, 2019 by 3pm, after eight weeks of repair and maintenance work, and several days ahead of schedule. Portland Parks & Recreation, thePortland Bureau of Transportation(PBOT),Bureau of Environmental Services(BES),and theRegional Arts and Culture Council(RACC) partnered to make a cleaner, safer Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade.
The project benefits thousands of cyclists, runners, walkers, and other visitors toone of Portland’s most iconic public amenities. According to PBOT, during the summer months the Eastbank Esplanade sees approximately 2,400 daily bicycle trips (almost 500 during the two-hour peak commute) and approximately 1,200 daily walking trips.
A celebration of the project’s completion will be held on Friday, April 5, 2019:
WHAT: Vera KatzEastbank Esplanade reopening celebration - an opportunity to acknowledge the collaborative effort that went into restoring the Esplanade.
WHERE: Eastbank Esplanade at theSE Salmon Street Plaza
WHEN: 12:30pm-1:30pm on Friday, April 5, 2019
“With spring officially here, we’re proud to reopen the Eastbank Esplanade,” says Portland Parks Commissioner Nick Fish. “We do our best work in partnership with others and I want to thank BES, PBOT, and RACC for helping to revitalize this community treasure.”
Project work included:
- PP&R replacing degraded surfaces and amenities, including repairing concrete
- PP&R repairing lights
- PP&R removing graffiti and trash
- PP&R planting native plants
- PP&R power-washing hard surfaces and repairing irrigation
- PBOT providing the Better Naito detour (see below)
- PP&R's Urban Forestry staff and BES removing dead trees and invasive plant species
- RACC restoring art installations
This phased project was funded by the City’s Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19. It includes $500,000 in one-time General Fund resources, plus $200,000 in ongoing funding for maintenance and safety Future improvements will be completed as funding becomes available.
Better Naito remains available
PBOT and PP&R worked together to open Better Naito on January 28, 2019, to provide a safe detour during the maintenance project. The City thanks all neighbors and visitors for their patience during the project! And more good news: Better Naito will remain open to provide space for people walking and biking adjacent to Waterfront Park.
This is the third year of the Council-approved, 5-year implementation of Better Naito. Like in past years, PBOT has installed plastic posts to separate one northbound motor vehicle lane on Naito Parkway from SW Main Street to NW Couch Street. A designated passenger drop-off zone on SW Taylor Street is available to accommodate people being dropped off by personal vehicles, taxis, and rideshares.
Additional information about Better Naito can be found at
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