(Portland, OR) –
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) has finalized the purchase of nearly three acres of land adjacent to 7654 N. Crawford in north Portland. The site is currently known as the N Crawford St and N Polk Ave property. City Council had previously approved the purchase, and the deal was completed on May 29, 2015. It is now open for public use for picnics, reading, relaxing and other passive activities. The property provides access to 798 households; including 477 households not currently served by another park within a half mile.
The PP&R process for formally naming the St. Johns-area park will take place once the site has a Master Plan, which is yet to be determined. The land contains two Heritage Trees of Portland, both Oregon white oaks (Quercus garryana).
“The St. John’s Community has experienced considerable residential growth over the past few years,” notes Portland Parks Commissioner Amanda Fritz“. “The opportunity to purchase the N Crawford St and N Polk Ave property with Parks System Development Charge revenue provided a way to increase the parkland in the area to help mitigate the impact of that growth.”
Portland Parks & Recreation will maintain the property for passive recreational use by mowing, pruning, and trash clean-up, but the bureau won’t be making any big changes at this point. When resources permit, the property will undergo a Master Plan to determine its use, features, and future.
“The addition of this significant north Portland property to PP&R’s inventory provides the public with another opportunity for recreation,” say PP&R Director Mike Abbaté. “And a chance to enjoy two Heritage Trees as well as the views of the West Hills and Willamette River.”
A home adjacent to the property is separate from the land PP&R acquired, and is for sale by its owner.
N Crawford St and N Polk Ave property facts
Acreage: 2.92 acres
Purchase Price: $880,000
Funding Source: Parks System Development Charges (SDCs). SDCs are one-time fees assessed on new development to cover a portion of the cost of providing specific types of public infrastructure required as a result of this development. Park SDCs help ensure that Portland's quality of life keeps pace with our growing and changing city by providing additional parks and recreation facilities needed to accommodate growth.
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