Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Friends Groups

Friends of Columbia Park
Friends groups are made up of volunteers, neighbors, coworkers, and park lovers who come to a natural area or park on a regular basis (sometimes monthly, sometimes quarterly) to do hands-on restoration with the support of Portland Parks & Recreation staff.

What is a Friends Group?
Friends groups are made up volunteers, neighbors, coworkers, and park lovers who come to a natural area or park on a regular basis (sometimes monthly, sometimes quarterly) to do hands-on restoration with the support of Portland Parks & Recreation staff. While activities vary with the seasons, friends groups are regularly involved in removing invasive weeds, planting native plants, building fences and maintaining trails, picking up litter, monitoring plants and wildlife, and more! PP&R supplies the gloves, tools, training, plants, and snacks and the friends group provides the people, smiles, laughs, energy, and advocacy for the long-term health and beauty of Portland's parks and natural areas.

Friends groups are the heart of many of our natural area parks!
Get to know some of our existing friends groups below. You can see where they work, what their goals are, who is involved, and what the schedules are for restoration events and meetings.

Don't see a friends group for your favorite natural area? Interested in starting one with a group of your neighbors? Contact us and we will help you make it happen!

If you are looking for community service to fulfill court requirements, call 503-823-5121.

Due to COVID-19, many regular friends group events have been modified or canceled. Please see the Volunteer Stewardship Events calendar for updates. 

Columbia Slough Watershed Council
The Columbia Slough Watershed Council partners with Portland Parks & Recreation on multiple events each year throughout North and NE Portland. Check out theirStewardship Saturdays calendar on the website for dates, times, and locations of CSWC-supported events in PP&R-managed parks and natural areas.

The Forest Park Conservancy
Every Thursday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Join the Forest Park Conservancy to improve Forest Park's trails and native vegetation by removing invasive plants, maintaining trails, and planting native plants. Contact Zachary Peal at zachary@forestparkconservancy.org at 503-223-5449 x106 for meeting location (varies). More information is available at forestparkconservancy.org

Friends of Baltimore Woods
Friends of Baltimore Woods partners with PP&R and other community groups to enhance Baltimore Woods, an upland deciduous habitat corridor that connects Willamette Cove, Smith and Bybee Lakes, and Kelley Point Park. FOBW hosts regular work parties to remove invasive plants, plant native plants, and much more to restore this important remnant Oregon White Oak habitat. Check out their events calendar to get involved!

Friends of Columbia Children's Arboretum
Friends of Columbia Children's Arboretum is a group of dedicated community members whose mission is to protect, enhance and restore the Columbia Children's Arboretum as an educational and recreational resource for all generations. There are multiple volunteer opportunities at the Arboretum throughout the year. Contact columbiachildrensarboretum@gmail.com, or Yoko Silk (yoko.silk@portlandoregon.gov; 503-278-1341) if you are interested in volunteering or learning more about joining the Friends group.

Friends of Errol Heights
The Friends of Errol Heights partners with Portland Parks & Recreation and occasionally also the Johnson Creek Watershed Council to complete important ecological enhancement projects at this little gem of a Park. The group generally meets on the third Saturday of the month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. (See Volunteer Stewardship Events Calendar for confirmed upcoming events.) Keep your eye out for beaver, ducks, and other wildlife as you volunteer alongside other community members. Everyone welcome, and no experience necessary! 

Friends of Gabriel Park
The Friends of Gabriel Park partners with PP&R to improve and maintain the park's natural areas, hosting work parties to remove invasive plants and to plant native plants. Visit the Friends of Gabriel Park website for more information, and to be added to the email list for notification of upcoming events.

Friends of Gateway Green

The Friends of Gateway Green promotes the transformation of a once neglected and publicly-owned property into Portland’s first and only dedicated off-road cycling parks. This park also offers trails for hiking, nature play areas, picnic tables, a space to observe birds and other wildlife, and learn about habitat restoration and preservation. Visit the Friends of Gateway Green website for more information for about upcoming events and how to get involved. 

Friends of Marquam Nature Park
Volunteer events occur on the second Wednesday and last Saturday of each month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. Join PP&R, the Friends of Marquam Nature Park, and the West Willamette Restoration Partnership in removing English ivy and other invasive species from the park. Trail maintenance and plantings are done on a seasonal basis. Tools, gloves, and snacks provided. Please bring a water bottle if you have one, and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.  For more information, contact Monica at monica.hescheles@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-8367. Learn more about Friends of Marquam Nature Park at www.fmnp.org

Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Weed Warriors
Join Friends of Mt. Tabor Park Weed Warriors and PP&R to remove invasive plant species, plant native plants, or mulch on the Last Saturday of the month from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. For more event information and registration, check out their events calendar. Take a look at the Weed Warriors handbook to learn more about this group. For more information about other programs and opportunities offered by Friends of Mt. Tabor, visit their website.

Friends  of Oaks Bottom 
The Friends of Oaks Bottom is dedicated to the preservation of the largest remaining natural area in the Willamette River’s lower floodplain. They engage the surrounding communities and the city of Portland at large in conserving this unique natural area through education, invasive plant removal, native plantings, litter pick-ups, and more. To learn more about ways to get involved, check out their events calendar. Contact friendsofoaksbottom@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Friends of Powell Butte
Friends of Powell Butte meets monthly to discuss issues related to the Butte. Check the Friends of Powell Butte website for information about Powell Butte Nature Park, as well as meeting times and locations.

Friends of Tideman Johnson
The Friends of Tideman Johnson partners with Portland Parks & Recreation and occasionally the Johnson Creek Watershed Council to maintain plantings, plant native plants, mulch, pick up litter, or remove nuisance species. The group generally meets the first Saturday of the month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (except January and July-September). (See Volunteer Stewardship Events Calendar for confirmed upcoming events.) Keep your eye out for birds and other wildlife as you volunteer alongside other community members. Everyone welcome, and no experience necessary! 

Friends of Terwilliger Parkway
Third Saturday of the month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (except June, July, and August). Join PP&R, the Friends of Terwilliger, and the West Willamette Restoration Partnership in removing non-native species, including English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, and clematis and plant native plants on a seasonal basis. For more info, contact Monica at monica.hescheles@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-8367. Visit Friends of Terwilliger website at terwilligerfriends.org.

Friends of Woods Park
Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (except December). Join the Friends of Woods Park in removing invasive species, including English ivy and Himalayan blackberry, and replacing them with native plants. Trail work is done on a seasonal basis.  For more information, contact Monica at monica.hescheles@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-8367.

Hoyt Arboretum Friends
Hoyt Arboretum Friends (HAF) is a nonprofit organization working in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation to manage Hoyt Arboretum. HAF's mission is to maintain and improve Hoyt Arboretum and its collections for all people through advocacy, resources, awareness, and education. HAF manages Hoyt Arboretum's education programs, visitor services, and volunteer resources as well as providing financial support for Hoyt Arboretum operations, maintenance, and capital improvements. View volunteer activities or call 503-823-1649 for more information. 

Johnson Creek Watershed Council
Johnson Creek Watershed Council partners with Portland Parks & Recreation on multiple events each year throughout southeast Portland. Check out their volunteer event calendar on the JCWC website for dates, times and locations of JCWC-supported events in PP&R-managed parks and natural areas.

SW Trails
SW Trails is a community group which promotes walking and biking in southwest Portland, Oregon. In partnership with PP&R, SW trails host volunteer trail maintenance events monthly at different natural area parks in SW Portland. Check out their website for more information and volunteer event details. 

Tryon Creek Watershed Council
Tryon Creek Watershed Council (TCWC) works to restore, protect and enhance the ecological health and function of our unique urban watershed. TCWC partners with PP&R to host volunteer events in the Tryon Creek watershed. To learn more about TCWC visit their website at www.tryoncreek.org

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