Project details
Join Portland Parks & Recreation staff and North West Trail Alliance volunteers in completing important trail work projects in Forest No experience necessary!
Wear sturdy close-toed shoes, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. Bring rain gear and/or sun gear, a hat, a filled water bottle, and snacks. Instruction, tools and gloves otherwise provided. You will be walking up to 1 miles away from the meeting location and restrooms, so please be ready to hike. Be sure to arrive on time, or you may miss the group. If you are running late, please contact me and I can help guide you to the group
The tools we will be using for the event includes grubbers, McLeod’s and shovels to level and widen the trail. We call that benching. We also will be clearing and adding drains for water to get off the trail. We will also be using and looper, pruners and saws to prune the trail corridor.
Meeting Location: Birch Trailhead (map link here). Please be respectful of neighbors when parking - The best place to park is on NW 53rd near the birch trailhead.
For more information contact Ahmed Yusuf at or call/text 503-260-2329.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering to keep Portland's natural area parks healthy, beautiful, and safe for people and wildlife! Here are a few tips to get you ready for your stewardship event.
- Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of any contagious illness or have had recent contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of any illness.
- In order to ensure your comfort and safety, please remember to dress for the weather, wear close-toed shoes, bring a water bottle, and be ready to get dirty!
- Unless otherwise noted, all events are family-friendly and all ages are welcome to participate. However, children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult for the duration of the event. We encourage you to attend events with members of your household/family!
- While groups are welcome to join many of our regularly scheduled stewardship events, please contact the event coordinator listed in the description before arriving with a large group. This will ensure that there are enough gloves and tools for everyone to work. We are also available to schedule special service events at your group's convenience during the week or on weekends. Learn more about programs for groups.
If you are looking for community service to fulfill court requirements, please call 503-823-5121. You must be registered with our program before undertaking any community service.