Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

April Hill Park No Ivy Day Event

Volunteer Event
Join us for the 21st Annual No Ivy Day!
9:00 am 12:00 pm

Project Details:

Join Friends of April Hill Park for “No Ivy Day” Saturday, October 26th, 9am~12-noon to tackle English ivy in the natural area. Come when you can  and stay as long as you can We’ll meet by the Giant Sequoia near the playground and then head into the park’s natural area, where clearly marked sections will guide our work. Tools and gloves are provided for you, but remember to wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes and dress for the weather, as the ground can be uneven. Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated; we’ll have snacks, coffee, and water for your convenience. We will instruct on the best practice and techniques for ivy removal without harming native plants.

After the work party, join us to celebrate! There will be an after party at Marquam Nature Park and Mount Tabor Park from 12-1:30 including lunch and raffle prizes. For more information about celebrations, please contact Monica Hescheles or 503-823-8367. 

Register Here

Meeting location: SW 58th Avenue and Miles Street Portland, OR 97219

Map link to meeting location.

Parking and public transit:  The most direct way to get there is by is by west on SW Vermont from SW 45th Ave. Gabriel Park. Turn right on SW 60th Ave. Continue on SW60th, left on to SW Miles Street. April Hill Park is straight ahead. There is plenty of on-street parking. The other entrance to the park, is from SW Multnomah Blvd take SW Maplewood Rd at SW 45th.( 5 legged corner). Continue on Maplewood to SW52nd and SW Custer. This is a three legged corner. Turn left onto SW Custer at SW52nd Ave., then turn right at SW 54th and left at SW Logan Ct. April Hill Park is straight ahead. There is on-street parking. 

Unfortunately, this site is not easily accessible by public transportation.

Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. 

Accessibility:  This event will require bending over and walking on uneven surfaces. A portable restroom will be available at this site.

Questions? For more information, please contact Jill L Gaddis at

Getting Ready for the Event:

Thank you for helping to keep Portland parks healthy and beautiful! Here are a few tips to get you ready for your stewardship event.

  • Registration is required for all stewardship events. 
  • All tools, gloves and training to do the task is provided
  • Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of any contagious illness or have had recent contact with someone exhibiting symptoms of any illness.    
  • In order to ensure your comfort and safety, please remember to dress for the weather, wear close-toed shoes, bring a water bottle, and be ready to get dirty! 
  • While groups are welcome to join many of our regularly scheduled stewardship events, please contact the event coordinator listed in the description before arriving with a large group. This will ensure that there are enough gloves and tools for everyone to work.

If you are looking for community service to fulfill court requirements, please call 503-823-5121. You must be registered with our program before undertaking any community service


Park Location or Entrance
SW 58th Avenue and Miles Street
Portland, OR 97219
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