Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

No Ivy Day 2023

Volunteer Event
Find information here for our 20th annual No Ivy Day event on October 28, 2023.
No Ivy Day Volunteer Event
9:00 am 1:30 pm

The 20th Annual No Ivy Day is October 28, 2023!

What is No Ivy Day?

No Ivy Day is a yearly event where Portland Parks & Recreation partners with organizations across the greater Portland area to host a variety of ivy removal events in several neighborhoods. We close out the day with celebrations to thank our volunteers. This year, volunteers are welcome to join us for lunch and raffle prizes at Forest Park and Mount Tabor Park after their work parties end. For more information about celebrations, please contact Annie O'Shea (information below) or site coordinators (see event list).

For 2023 volunteer registrations, please visit our event list HERE!

Why remove ivy?

English and Irish Ivy grows out of control in our local ecosystems. It does not have wildlife that eats it or parasites that destroy it, and it survives through our relatively mild winters just fine. These ivies are a popular, fast-growing garden and landscaping plant, and birds love its tasty berries. For these reasons, ivy has been able to gain a strong foothold in our natural areas around Portland. These ivies, which we refer to together as 'invasive ivy', are able to grow in dense carpets across the forest floor, choking out native plants that support wildlife. Invasive ivy also climbs trees, adding weight that can cause them to topple during storms. Invasive ivy's short roots do a poor job of holding in soil, and this creates conditions for increased erosion that cloud our waterways and warm our streams and rivers so that aquatic species struggle or disappear. By removing ivy and planting native species, we give our native plants and our wildlife a fighting chance to survive and thrive in our beautiful and unique urban natural areas. 

Visit No Ivy League for more information about English Ivy removal efforts and historic volunteer accomplishments.

For more information, please email Annie O'Shea at annie.oshea@portlandoregon.gov or call at (503) 568-3135.


Annie O'Shea

Interim West Side Stewardship Coordinator

No Ivy League

Field Headquarters
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