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No Ivy Day 2022

Volunteer Event
Volunteer for our 19th annual No Ivy Day event on October 29, 2022. Come show your support for our native ecosystem by joining a volunteer event at one of our sites throughout the region.
No Ivy Day Volunteer Event
9:00 am 12:00 pm

Save the date for No Ivy Day October 29, 2022

No Ivy Day Projects Sites- Register for a site today!

Forest Park- Event Full- waitlist only
Join Portland Parks & Recreation's No Ivy League  for a morning of ivy removal in Forest Park. This is where it all started 19 years ago. Come learn more about Forest Park, the largest park within city limits in the US, which is over 5,000 acres. Volunteers will be hiking and working off trail on uneven ground. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes, and bring a water bottle and snacks. Project instruction, tools, gloves, water and snacks provided. For more information on Forest Park, click here.

Foster Floodplain Natural Area
Join Portland Parks & Recreation and the Johnson Creek Watershed Council (JCWC) to enhance this Lents neighborhood natural area park. Volunteers will remove ivy. This allows space for a variety of native plants to grow, which ultimately improves air quality. Everyone welcome, and no experience necessary! Children welcome and must be accompanied by an attentive adult. Volunteers will be walking off trail and over uneven ground, but not far from the main paved trail. Please wear sturdy, close-toed shoes, long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and bring raingear. Instruction, tools, gloves, coffee/tea, water and snacks provided. Bring a water bottle and coffee mug, if you have one! A portable toilet will be ordered for the event. For more information on Foster Floodplain Natural Area, click here.

Hoyt Arboretum
Volunteer with Hoyt Arboretum Friends to care for Hoyt Arboretum’s trees and trails by removing invasive English ivy during this citywide annual event! With 189-acres and more than 6,000 trees along 12 miles of trails, volunteers are incredibly important to maintaining Hoyt Arboretum’s tree collection and trail system, and it’s a unique opportunity for volunteers to learn about and care for rare and unusual trees and plants from around the world. Stewardship crews occur rain or shine; volunteers should come dressed for the weather including long pants and sturdy, closed-toe shoes. Volunteers should plan to bring water, snacks, and any other personal items they need onsite. No previous stewardship crew experience is required; training, tools, gloves, and volunteer parking passes are provided. Pre-registration is required (crew size is limited). Thank you for supporting Portland’s living museum of trees! For more information on Hoyt Arboretum and Hoyt Arboretum Friends, click here

John Luby Park
Join Portland Parks & Recreation and the Russell Neighborhood Association at John Luby Park for a morning of invasive ivy removal, in preparation for a fall understory planting. This 11-acre park has an impressive urban Douglas fir canopy that keeps summers cool and winters interesting. Come join us for a fun filled morning. Please dress for fall weather conditions, wear sturdy closed toed shoes, and bring water. Instruction, tools, gloves and encouragement will be provided. Volunteers of all ages welcome. There will be a portapotty on site. For more information on John Luby Park, click here.

Johnson Lake
Join Portland Parks & Recreation to remove invasively growing English ivy at this unique little natural area! Johnson Lake has a fascinating history and is currently home to many native Oregon turtles and a variety of waterfowl. We will walk a short distance on the trail and will be removing ivy from a wooded area in the park. All tools and gloves will be provided. We will be working on uneven ground so please wear closed toed, sturdy shoes. Also, please dress for the weather, and bring a water bottle and snacks. There will be a standard portapotty on site. This is a family friendly site but all children must come with a supervising adult.

  • Time: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM
  • Address:  Meet at the end of NE Colfax Street, off of NE 92nd Avenue. (Park address is 5850 NE 92nd Drive - but use above location)
  • Public transportation: Max Red line to 82nd Ave, then walk 1 mile to Johnson Lake North Trailhead. Bus #71 to Parkrose/Sumner TC then walk 1.2 miles to Johnson Lake North Trailhead. If you take Trimet, please account for the extra walking time to the site.
  • Parking: Please park along NE Colfax Ave, making sure to not park along the painted yellow curbs (reserved for truck access). There are no bike locks on site, but you can walk your bike in to where we are working.
  • Register for Johnson Lake site
  • Questions: Contact Yoko Silk at yoko.silk@portlandoregon.gov or 503-278-1341.

Leach Botanical Garden
Join Portland Parks & Recreation's No Ivy League for a morning of weeding in Leach Botanical Garden's "Back 5 Community Habitat Enhancement Project" The Garden, together with Wisdom of the Elders, the Blueprint Foundation, David Douglas High School, the African Youth & Community Organization and Johnson Creek Watershed Council, along with help from experts at Portland Parks & Recreation, Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and many dedicated volunteers, we forged ahead with a multi-year project to restore several acres adjacent to the public garden. ‍All without the use of herbicides. This project provides hands-on educational and community science opportunities, with an emphasis on historically disenfranchised youth and adults. In addition to the restoration steps, we are assessing and analyzing change through surveys of plants, amphibians and macroinvertebrates. We’ve received funding from the Oregon Community Foundation, City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, East Multnomah Soil and Water, Metro, Portland Garden Club and individual donors. Be prepared to work on uneven, potentially slippery slopes. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy closed-toed shoes, and bring a full water bottle. Tools, gloves, snacks and instruction provided. This project is for ages 12 and up. Anyone under 18 must be supervised by an adult.

  • Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
  • Location: 6704 SE 122nd Avenue, Portland Oregon 97236
  • Directions: Do not trust Google Maps. They provide three potential access points and only one of them is correct. Please the map provided here and the directions below Trimet Public Transportation 1/4 mile (5 minute walk) from Buses 10-Harold & 73-122nd Avenue Stop ID 1787. 4/5 mile (16 minute walk) from Max Green line to Clackamas Center Stop ID 13128. Arrive by bicycle Conveniently located just south of the Springwater Corridor Bike Route (East/West) on 122nd Ave. A main North/South arterial is the I-205 Multi-Use Path. Bike parking is available. Driving and Parking Directions Main Visitor Parking Lots on SE Claybourne St: From SE 122nd Ave turn east on SE Claybourne St. The main parking lot is the first right, and a second Visitor parking lot is just a bit further on the left. We'll meet you at the Main Entrance to the Garden.
  • Register for Leach Botanical Garden
  • Questions: Contact JoAnn Vrilakas, Education Manager at jvrilakas@leachgarden.org or 503-389-0149

Marquam Nature Park 
Join Portland Parks & Recreation, Friends of Marquam Nature Park and Hands On Portland to help continue ivy removal in Marquam Nature Park. Come out and explore this area that is close to downtown while improving important habitat. Volunteers will be hiking to the project site and will be working off trail on uneven ground and slopes. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes, and bring a water bottle and snacks. Project instruction, tools, gloves, water and snacks provided. For more information on Marquam Nature Park, click here

Mt Tabor Park- Event Full- waitlist only
Come pull ivy and remove other invasive species with Portland Parks & Recreation and Friends of Mt Tabor Park Weed Warriors for No Ivy Day. Please wear closed-toe shoes and long pants and sleeves-- the vegetation can be scratchy. Instruction, tools, gloves, and snacks provided. There are restrooms and a water bottle filling station on site. This event is family friendly, and children are welcome with a supervising adult. For more information about Mt. Tabor Park, click here.

North Clackamas Park
Join North Clackamas Park and Recreation District to celebrate No Ivy Day at North Clackamas Park! We will work in an oak meadow to protect rare native plants from encroaching ivy and other invasive weeds. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes, and bring a water bottle. Project instruction, tools, gloves, water and snacks are provided. This event is family friendly. For more information on North Clackamas Park, click here.

Pier Park
Join Portland & Parks & Recreation and Friends of Pier Parkin removing ivy and other invasive species from the park. This event is family friendly, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy closed-toed shoes, bring a water bottle and snacks.  Tools, gloves, water, snacks and project instruction provided. For more information on Pier Park, click here.

Sylvania Natural Area Park (SNAP)
Join Portland Parks & Recreation and Portland Community College for a volunteer event in our local natural area removing ivy. Come out to explore this SW natural area. Dress for the weather, wear sturdy, closed toed shoes and bring a water bottle. Project instruction, tools, gloves, water, and snacks provided. For more information about SNAP, click here.

SW 25th Ave Community Trail
Join Westside Watershed Resource Center and Friends of Fanno Creek Headwaters to care for a community natural space by Fanno Creek! We will removing ivy and other weeds near the creek, as well as planting some native shrubs, and adding mulch to some parts of the project site. The project site is immediately accessible from the parking area (look for signs that say "Volunteer Event"). Be prepared to work on uneven, potentially slippery, terrain. Please dress for the weather, wear sturdy, closed-toed shoes, and bring your own water bottle. Instruction, tools, gloves, and snacks will be provided! There are no restrooms available at this site.

Wilkes Creek Natural Area
Come join the Columbia Slough Watershed Council (CSWC) in this region-wide event to rid our natural landscapes of the pesky invasive species, English ivy. The event will take place at Wilkes Creek Natural Area. We will focus on removing English ivy to improve this important natural area. Come out and hang with your neighbors and see who can pull the longest piece of ivy!
Accessibility: This event will require bending over and walking on uneven surfaces. All tools, gloves and training to do the task is provided, but this is a rain or shine event, so please wear closed toed shoes and clothes appropriate for the weather.

Visit No Ivy League for more information about English Ivy removal efforts and historic volunteer accomplishments.


Mary Verrilli (she/her/hers)

Westside Watersheds Parks and Natural Areas

No Ivy League

Field Headquarters
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