Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Frazer Community Garden

Community Garden
Frazer Community Garden
On this Page

The Rose City Park Neighborhood Association (RCPNA) plans to incorporate and demonstrate the following sustainable design practices in the garden: a native bio-swale, water harvesting, edible perennial shrubs, and pollinator plants.

Learn more about Community Gardens

Detailed Map of Frazer Community Garden Plots

Year acquired
Size in acres

In 2009, the Rose City Park Neighborhood Association (RCPNA) identified Frazer Park as a location to build a community garden. In 2011, Portland Community Gardens Program, Friends of Portland Community Gardens, RCPNA, and Depave worked together to remove asphalt and start construction of the new garden. A grant, submitted by the Friends of Portland Community Gardens, included the following partners: Portland Community Gardens Program, Friends of Portland Community Gardens, Depave, RCPNA, Albina, Head Start, and the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Funds for a portion of the cost were provided by a grant from the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District and a gift from the Portland Parks Foundation.

Park Location or Entrance

NE 52nd Avenue and Pacific Street
Portland, OR 97213

Located within

Park policy

All dogs must be leashed in this park.


City section

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