Parks Levy Oversight Committee (PLOC) Meeting Sept 2022

Public Meeting
5:30 pm 7:30 pm
Available Online

Year 2 Meeting #1

5:30 - 5:35 PMWelcome and IcebreakerAll
5:35 - 5:45 PMUpdate on Leveraged ModelClaudio Campuzano
5:45 - 6:30 PMPP&R Year 1 Parks Levy Draft ReportClaire Flynn, Melissa Arnold
6:30 - 7:20 PMPLOC Annual ReportClaire Flynn, Melissa Arnold
7:20 - 7:30 PMHousekeepingClaire Flynn
Attachments Shared with PLOC
  • 2021-22 Parks levy Annual Report Draft
  • Example: Parks Replacement Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report
  • Financial Assistance Pilot Report

Oversight Committee Members – 

  • Alescia Blakely
  • Judy Bluehorse Skelton
  • Silas Sanderson
  • Maria Velez – not in attendance, meeting materials were shared
  • Paul Agrimis – not in attendance, meeting materials were shared

PP&R Staff – 

  • Todd Lofgren, Deputy Director
  • Claudio Campuzano, Finance, Property, and Technology Manager
  • Sarah Huggins, Sustainable Future Program Manager
  • Melissa Arnold, Community Engagement Manager
  • Claire Flynn, Levy Coordinator

Members of the Public – 

  • None
Update on Leveraged Funding Model

Claudio Campuzano (Finance, Property, and Technology Manager) presented an update on the model PP&R uses to spend Parks Levy funds—the Leveraged Funding Model. The Leveraged Funding Model, previously called the Blended Funding Model, honors commitments to voters, using General Fund support first and reserving Parks Levy to maximize its purpose of supporting park and recreation operations and services.

Claudio gave an overview of the goals of the Leveraged Funding Model:

  • Adherence to the Parks Levy ballot and referral language
  • Maximization of Parks Levy and full utilization of General Fund
  • Incremental increases in services
  • Auditability
  • Minimization of technical, administrative, and cultural challenges 

Judy Bluehorse Skelton asked for clarification on what “minimization of technical, administrative, and cultural challenges” means.

  • Claudio clarified that, early on, PP&R experimented with direct charging as a methodology before landing on the Leveraged Funding Model. However, direct charging presented multiple challenges. First, PP&R has many services that are delivered through front line staff and the Leveraged Funding Model eliminates the technical challenge of having every front-line supervisor manage two funding buckets that fund the same services —a Parks Levy budget and a General Fund Budget. 
  • Secondly, the Leveraged Funding Model reduces the cultural challenge of having similar positions funded through different sources—one of which is permanent (General Fund) and the other which is temporary (Parks Levy). By leveraging funding, no position is singularly supported by the Parks Levy, reducing cultural challenges and potential labor issues.
  • Thirdly, to fully utilize the allocated General Fund while maximizing the Parks Levy, supervisors would have had to constantly move people from Parks Levy-funded positions to General Fund positions as vacancies opened up in the General Fund positions; this would be the only way to preserve savings generated by the vacancy. This would have resulted in a massive administrative burden for supervisors, PP&R administrative staff, and Bureau of Human Resources staff. Once again, this shuffling would have added no value. The Leveraged Funding Model means that when vacancies come up in a service area with both General Fund and Parks Levy, the Parks Levy preserved the savings without any needless paperwork.
  • PP&R aimed to create a model that met the goals (listed above) while still being relatively simple to implement and execute. In FY 2021-22, PP&R has found that the Leveraged Funding Model meets all the goals and has been remarkably smooth for a complex funding mechanism. 

The use of the Leveraged Funding Model in FY 2021-22 resulted in more Parks Levy revenue received than spent. Because the budget was underspent Bureau-wide, General Fund dollars were applied at a higher-than-anticipated percent to Parks Levy eligible services. In FY 2021-22, the Parks Levy received $44.69 million in revenues, of which PP&R spent $19.11 million ($18.73 million in PP&R expenses and approximately $380,000 paid out to the Children’s Levy to make up for compression). The result was underspending of $25.58 million in Parks Levy funds this year, which will be used in future fiscal years to deliver services that meet voter commitments.

Claudio also updated the PLOC on the upcoming Leveraged Funding Model report to City Council, in partnership with the City Budget Office (CBO) and the City Controller. PP&R is currently working on a report that we hope to share with City Council in October to outline lessons learned and a joint report from CBO and the Controller on the use of the Leveraged Funding Model. 

The PLOC did not have any additional questions or concerns.

PP&R’s 2021-22 Parks Levy Annual Report Draft

Claire Flynn, Levy Coordinator, presented key themes and aspects of the 2021-22 Parks Levy Annual Report to the PLOC, including reviewing how Parks Levy expenditures in FY 2021-22 were used to deliver on each of the commitments listed in the voter pamphlet. 

Claire reminded the PLOC of the sections of their report, which is a response to the PP&R report. As PP&R developed the 2021-22 Parks Levy Annual Report, knowing that the report would be accountable to PLOC review, PP&R aimed to align elements of the report with the PLOC review categories: adherence to the ballot language, fiscal accountability, and transparency. For adherence to the ballot language, PP&R used the 15 commitments in the voter pamphlet as the structure of the annual report to explicitly show progress on each commitment. Fiscal accountability in the PP&R report included thorough explanation of the Leveraged Funding Model and inclusion of all the FY 2021-22 financial actuals by service area and workgroup. Transparency and communication included clear explanation of report topics.

Claire asked if PLOC members came with questions and suggestions on the report and preferred to lead the conversation, or whether members wanted her frame the conversation by walking through the commitments.  PLOC members agreed that framing the conversation by addressing each commitment would be helpful.  Claire then led PLOC members through each of the 15 Parks Levy commitments, as included in the 2021-22 Parks Levy Annual Report draft, with details on financials, key performance measures, and featured stories and interviews in the report.

  • Judy asked if there were opportunities in the report to link to photos, program pages, and share stories from participants directly.
    • Claire shared that the printed version of the report, shared with City Council, contains plain-text links but that the online report will have embedded links to program pages where readers can learn more information about specific programs and opportunities. 
    • Claire also noted that the feature interviews and profiles in the 2021-22 report include both staff stories and some participant stories but that, in years to come, PP&R is looking to increase opportunities to share stories. Future Parks Levy annual reports will ideally capture more direct, participant stories—particularly as the participation or event is occurring, instead of looking on participation at the close of the fiscal year.
    • Todd shared that PP&R is looking to build the capacity of the Bureau’s Communications and Community Engagement teams to allow increased focus on having community members share their stories and experiences. Todd asked that, where PLOC members have connections to storytellers and program participants in the community, PLOC member connect those individuals to PP&R to be able to share their experiences with the greater public. 
      • Alescia Blakely shared that many Home Forward community members participate in the Free Lunch + Play programs and that there are a number of youth who could speak to their experiences. Additionally, Home Forward has workforce development programs with a storytelling aspect and Alescia offered that Home Forward could partner with PP&R to share participant stories. 
  • Alescia noted that the Black Parent Initiative interview shared in the annual report under the commitment to remove financial barriers for low-income households should include additional examples of other organizations who utilize financial assistance models. Specifically, low-income households include more than just Black families and communities and many other communities and families across the board use financial assistance programs. 
    • Claire thanked Alescia for her feedback and committed to adding language in the report about other community organizations who used financial assistance models and Early Registration opportunities. 
  • Judy suggested that future reports include Environmental Education stories directly from participants and youth, without being filtered or told through staff.
    • Claire shared that, a lesson learned from the development of the 2021-22 report, is to be proactive in collecting stories for the year-end report. For example, in Summer 2022, Claire and the Communications team visited a Youth Conservation Crew group and interviewed two participants—that story will be featured in the Year 2 report. 
    • Todd asked PLOC members if they wanted to invite a youth or participant to the City Council presentation on October 26 to speak to the impact of Parks Levy-funded programs, in addition to the PLOC sharing their report with City Council.
      • Judy recalled when youth were routinely invited into City Hall to speak and shared that she has worked with youth to speak for Indigenous Peoples Day and other opportunities. She shared that youth should have opportunities to advocate for how City programs are serving or impacting them. 
  • Silas asked if there were specific goals around tree planting and tree canopy coverage that PP&R is looking to reach—and if the funding available through the Parks Levy is enough to reach those goals.
    • Claire noted that there are current goals for both annual trees planted in priority neighborhoods and for percentage of city-wide tree canopy coverage. Both goals are included in PP&R budget materials. Additionally, the 12 new arborist positions approved will be helpful in moving the needle towards the Bureau’s tree goals.
    • Claire also shared that per previous PLOC conversations about priority topic areas they would like to dive in to, she will be inviting the Urban Forestry team to the next PLOC meeting to share information about tree goals, canopy coverage, and climate change resiliency—which will be an opportunity to discuss how Parks Levy funds are impacting the capacity of the Urban Forestry team. 
      • Silas reiterated that he would like to learn more about whether the Urban Forestry team has the resources they need and how they are progressing towards goals.
    • Judy shared her support for Silas’ comments and shared that local organizations doing tree planting and canopy expansion, such as The Nature Conservancy, Urban Greenspaces Institute, and Blueprint Foundation could be good partnerships to establish or expand. Specifically, if PP&R is partnering with organizations in the tree space, highlighting those partnerships in this (or future) reports would show how PP&R is leveraging Parks Levy funding for greater impact. 
    • Todd shared that, generally, PP&R is working towards city-wide tree canopy coverage of 33%. However, the Urban Forestry team is seeing that Portland has a true capacity for tree canopy closer to 50%, and that the old goal may not be ambitious enough. For the first time, the Urban Forestry team’s analysis indicates that Portland is losing tree canopy. Variables such as canopy age in certain neighborhoods, length of time it takes for trees to mature, and expanded development are impacting the canopy percentage. The Parks Levy is setting the stage and supporting Urban Forestry work to expand partnerships and scale impact over time. Additionally, the federal Inflation Reduction Act set aside funding for urban tree planting, so PP&R is exploring that option as well.
    • Todd also shared that the Urban Forestry Commission is discussing how PP&R and the Bureau of Environmental Services can better coordinate to partner with local organizations. 
    • Todd noted that, in general, tree-related resources are going to the right geographic areas—neighborhoods where there is lower canopy, lower income, and more diversity. However, the scale of planting and investment, as well as level of collaboration, needs to be much greater to see impact. 
      • One challenge is that adjacent property owners are responsible for tree maintenance in the right of way. PP&R is exploring alternative funding options to create a funding source to take away the financial burden of maintaining a street tree, particularly for low-income households. 
      • Todd encouraged the PLOC to revisit this conversation for updates and progress.
    • Melissa mentioned that a benefit of the Community Engagement team adding capacity is that we are now working with Urban Forestry to plan increased engagement around yard tree give aways, planting, and more. Strategic partnerships with multi-family and affordable housing providers are opportunities to plant more trees and educate residents. For example, the Community Engagement team connected the Tree Planting team to Home Forward to test Tamarack Apartments in North Portland as a location to plant new trees, a pilot for looking at additional Home Forward properties. 
    • Silas reiterated that he would like to hear more about creative solutions to urban forestry challenges, particularly noting that, if there are partnerships that grow and come out of the Parks Levy, that PP&R highlight those in subsequent reports.
  • Judy asked how much funding the new Community Partnership Program gave out this year. 
    • Claire clarified that the funds would be disbursed in Year 2 of the Parks Levy so the information in the 2021-22 report is specific to the creation and establishment of the program in FY 2021-22 but no on the ground project or grant costs. On July 29, 2022, City Council authorized up to $1.32 million for two year grant agreements with community organizations through the Community Partnership Program and Teen Collaborative Initiative.
PLOC Annual Report

The PLOC discussed their annual report, organizing the conversation around the three key areas outlined in their charter for review. The PLOC reviewed the Parks Replacement Bond Oversight Committee’s annual report categories and definitions in advance of the meeting, as the key areas aligned with the PLOC report categories.

Adherence to the Ballot Language

  • Judy noted that there is both adherence and honoring the spirit of what voters and the community were asking for. She noted that adherence to the ballot language should include honoring the spirit of community engagement that has gone on for many years and, in part, resulted in this Parks Levy.
    • She encouraged PP&R to not just check boxes but to look to setting a fundamental shift. With community having shaped and identified Parks Levy commitments, the changes in staff development, programming, and infrastructure in PP&R activities and services is crucial—and ensure that those models will continue after the life of the Parks Levy is key. 
    • Melissa noted that, with Parks Levy funding, PP&R has been able to create and sustain continuous listening with the community through Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland. PP&R aims to sustain the success of those feedback loops after the five years of the Parks Levy. 
    • Sarah Huggins, Sustainable Future Manager, synthesized that adherence to the ballot language to the PLOC may be the idea that the voter-approved Parks Levy is not a transactional exchange, but instead a relationship that is being built with the community. 
  • Silas commended PP&R on the work being done to build relationships and set up success for the future. He also noted that, while checking boxes and making sure that ballot language items are being done may not be the most interesting report, part of telling the story of the Parks Levy is making sure voters know that their money is being used as promised. 

Fiscal Accountability

  • The Bond Oversight Committee’s annual reports define fiscal accountability as, “Maintain[ing] fiscal accountability as a core driver. Bond dollars are clearly and separately tracked. Ensure[ing] integrity and accuracy of financial statements.” Parks Levy services are tracked and audited, with Parks Levy funding moved at the end of the year to appropriately reimburse the General Fund for the portion of Parks Levy services that is additive to the General Fund expenditure. At year-end, there is a list of auditable expenses that clearly shows what Parks Levy funds were spent on and can also show how it was leveraged with General Fund. 
  • Todd also shared that the PLOC report is a good opportunity to provide feedback on the Leveraged Funding Model and the basic principle that PP&R should be spending the General Fund allocation in full and using the Parks Levy resource as incremental.
    • Judy noted her support for PP&R ensuring that General Fund is spent first and used for its intended PP&R purposes, as well as the importance of having the Parks Levy be additive to PP&R’s baseline General Fund amount. 
    • Silas asked if there would be any issues with underspending, particularly in having to spend the remaining balance within the 5 years of the Parks Levy.
      • Claudio clarified that the Parks Levy funding does not expire and can roll over after the 5-year window. PP&R is looking to spend the Parks Levy funds in 5 years, but where underspending occurs, will not be limited to the 5-year timeframe. Claudio also noted that the Parks Levy stabilizes PP&R budget, allowing the Bureau to absorb any City-wide general fund reductions.
    • Alecia shared support for Judy and Silas’ thoughts.
  • Todd noted that, with how PP&R is tracking the 15 Parks Levy commitments, PP&R can track the commitments across service areas (Functional Areas) and line-item expenditures, allowing for both high level and granular evaluation of where Parks Levy funds are spent. 
    • Judy expressed support and excitement for PP&R being able to show Parks Levy spending in multiple ways, maintaining fiscal accountability and providing clarity.
    • Todd shared that, through Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland, that level of granularity will allow PP&R to invite in the community to review and provide feedback on actions and results and the related levels of investment. 


  • The Bond Oversight Committee’s annual reports define transparency as, “Act[ing] in a way that promotes equity, participation, accountability, and engenders trust.” Silas asked that “clearly” be added to the Bond Oversight Committee report’s definition to further clarify the intention of transparency and the priorities that the PLOC holds. 
  • Silas also noted that PP&R has been proactive in providing the PLOC with topical information, particularly for topics that the PLOC expresses interest in. For example, in expressing a desire to learn more about tree planting and canopy, Silas felt confident that PP&R is open to in-depth discussion and does not hide anything or any topic from the PLOC. 
  • Alescia shared that she has heard from community partners and Home Forward residents that there has been more information-sharing and engagement from PP&R in the last year. Additional opportunities for feedback and for community members to go into community centers and share their thoughts has been key to transparency. Alescia noted that, from what she’s heard and experienced, staff is open and available and community engagement has increased in the last year.  

Claire shared the timeline for drafting and review of the PLOC annual report and asked members to consider who would be available to present the PLOC report to City Council on October 26. She also shared that, pending City Council acceptance, both the PLOC and PP&R reports would be shared on the website in accessible formats. The executive summary of the PP&R report and the PLOC report will both be translated into Portland’s four most common languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Russian.  


Claire reminded PLOC members of upcoming report review due dates and deliverables. 

Claire also followed up on the Financial Assistance Pilot Report that was sent to PLOC members in advance of the meeting. At the prior PLOC meeting, the committee received a presentation on the pilot models. The report details the new Access Pass model that is being implemented this fall. The Access Pass is a single program to reduce cost as a barrier that will apply to passes, drop-in admissions, registered activities, personal training, educational preschool, and afterschool programs. City of Portland residents can register for a free Access Pass to receive reduced pricing up to 90%. The pass is valid for 12 months from the date of enrollment. The Access Pass also ensures that PP&R can collect demographic and income responses from all users, since this information will be collected at the time that a user signs up for the pass. Additionally, each user only has to go through the process to sign up for a discount once per year, which reduces sign up barriers during registration. Claire noted that there would be time at the next PLOC meeting to get a deeper review from the Recreation team on the decision-making process around the Access Pass.

Melissa gave the PLOC an overview of the Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland Listening & Learning work that occurred over the summer to connect and engage community members around PP&R’s draft Mission, Vision, Values, Outcome Categories, and Racial Equity Statement. The PP&R Community Engagement team has meaningfully engaged over 200 community members and, through outreach, connected with hundreds more. Melissa also shared an invitation for the PLOC to attend a virtual Listening & Learning workshop in late September to participate and provide feedback. 

Meaningful Access Statement

It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any city program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or other protected class status. Adhering to Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II civil rights laws, the City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, contact 503-823-2525, or for Relay Service or TTY, contact 711.

Traducción e Interpretación (Spanish)
Es política de la Ciudad de Portland que ninguna persona sea excluida de participación, se le nieguen los beneficios, o esté sujeta a discriminación en ningún programa, servicio o actividad de la ciudad por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, discapacidad u otra condición de clase protegida. En cumplimiento con los Derechos Civiles Título VI y con las leyes de derechos civiles del ADA Título II, la Ciudad de Portland asegura el acceso significativo a programas, servicios y actividades de la ciudad al brindar de manera razonable: traducción e interpretación, modificaciones, adaptaciones, formatos alternativos y ayudas y servicios auxiliares. Para solicitar estos servicios, llame al 503-823-2525, al TTY de la ciudad o al servicio para las personas con problemas auditivos: 711.
Solicitud de traducción o interpretación de PP&R

Biên Dịch và Thông Dịch (Vietnamese)
Chính sách của Thành Phố Portland là không ai bị loại khỏi, bị từ chối phúc lợi, hoặc bị phân biệt đối xử trong bất kỳ chương trình, dịch vụ hay hoạt động nào của thành phố dựa trên chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, khuyết tật, hoặc tình trạng khác được pháp luật bảo vệ. Tuân theo Đạo Luật Dân Quyền (Civil Rights) Khoản VI và Đạo Luật ADA Khoản II, Thành Phố Portland đảm bảo sự tiếp cận hiệu quả đối với các chương trình, dịch vụ và hoạt động của thành phố bằng cách cung cấp một cách hợp lý: dịch vụ biên dịch và thông dịch, biện pháp điều chỉnh, sửa đổi, hình thức thay thế, và thiết bị và dịch vụ phụ trợ.  Để yêu cầu các dịch vụ này, hãy liên hệ 503-503-823-2525, Dịch Vụ Chuyển Tiếp: 711.
Yêu Cầu Dịch Vụ Biên Dịch Hoặc Thông Dịch Liên Quan Đển PP&R

口笔译服务 (Simplified Chinese)
波特兰市的政策规定,任何人不得因种族、肤色、国籍、残疾或其他受保护的身份状态而被禁止参与任何城市计划、服务或活动或享有任何城市计划、服务或活动的福利,也不得被歧视。根据《民权法》第六章和 ADA 第二章“民权法”的规定,波特兰市须确保市民能够平等参与城市计划、服务和活动,为此要根据需要提供以下各项:口笔译服务、方案修改、住宿、替代格式、辅助工具和服务。如需申请这些服务,请致电 503-823-2525,转接服务:711。
要求 PP&R 笔译或口译

Устный и письменный перевод (Russian)
Политика администрации Портленда запрещает отстранять от участия в городских программах и мероприятиях, отказывать в обслуживании и льготах или иным образом подвергать дискриминации на основании расы, цвета кожи, национальности, инвалидности или иного защищенного статуса. В соответствии с разделом VI Закона о гражданских правах и разделом II Закона о правах американских граждан с ограниченными возможностями администрация Портленда заботится о полноценном доступе жителей к городским программам, услугам и мероприятиям. При необходимости доступны устный и письменный перевод, адаптивные меры, специальные устройства, материалы в альтернативном формате и иные вспомогательные средства и услуги. Для заказа этих услуг свяжитесь с нами. Телефон: 503-823-2525; служба коммутируемых сообщений: 711.
Запрос на письменный или устный перевод информации о PP&R

Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad (Somali)
Waxaa kucad siyasada Mgalaada Portland in qofna loodiidi karin kaqaybgalka, loodiidi karin gunooyinka, ama aan latakoori karin wax kamid ah barnaamijyada magalaada, adeegga, ama shaqo sababo laxariira isirkiisam midabkiisa, wadankiisa, naafonimadiisa, ama xaalad kale oo sharcigu difaacaayo. Ayadoo raacaysa Sharciga Xaquuqda Madaniga ah ee Title VI iyo ADA Title II ee sharciyada xaquuqda madaniga ah, Magaalada Portland waxay xaqiijinaysaa barnaamijyo lawada heli karo oo macno leh ayna bixiso magaaladu, adeegyo, iyo shaqooyin ayadoo si sax ah ubixinaysa: turjumaad iyo soojeedin, isbadalo, adeegyo caawimaad ah, noocyo kaladuwan, iyo caawimaado iyo adeegyo dheeri ah. Si aad ucodsato adeegyadaan, wac 503-823-2525, Adeegga Caawimada: 711.

Письмовий і усний переклад (Ukrainian)
Згідно з політикою міста Портленд, жодну особу не можна позбавляти права на участь, відмовляти їй у матеріальній допомозі або піддавати її дискримінації в будь-якій програмі, службі чи діяльності міста на підставі раси, кольору шкіри, етнічного походження, інвалідності або іншого статусу захищених класів. Дотримуючись законів про права громадян, а саме розділу VI Прав громадян і розділу ІІ Закону про права американських громадян з обмеженими можливостями, місто Портленд забезпечує значний доступ до програм, служб і заходів міста, надаючи такі послуги: письмовий і усний переклад, модифікування, адаптування, альтернативні формати, додаткову допомогу й інше. Запитати ці послуги можна, скориставшись контактними даними: 503-823-2525, служба комутаційних повідомлень: 711.

Traducere și interpretariat (Romanian)
Este politica orașului Portland ca nicio persoană să nu fie exclusă din programe, servicii sau activități ale orașului, să nu i se refuze acestea și să nu facă obiectul unor discriminări pe bază de rasă, culoare, naționalitate, dizabilități sau alte situații vizând categorii protejate. Respectând legile privind drepturile civile „Civil Rights” (Drepturile Civile), articolul VI, și „ADA” (Americans with Disabilities Act - Legea privind americanii cu dizabilități), articolul II, orașul Portland asigură acces adecvat la programe, servicii și activități ale orașului oferind, în mod rezonabil: servicii de traducere și interpretariat, modificări, cazare, formate diferite, ajutoare și servicii auxiliare. Pentru a solicita aceste servicii, contactați 503-823-2525, Serviciu de retransmitere: 711.

अनुवादनतथाव्याख्या (Nepali)
पोर्टल्यान्डको शहरको नीति हो कि कुनै पनि व्यक्तिलाई जाति, रङ, राष्ट्रिय मूल, असक्षमता वा अन्य संरक्षित वर्गीकरण स्थितिको आधारमा कुनै पनि शहरका कार्यक्रम, सेवा वा क्रियाकलापमा सहभागी हुन भेदभाव गरिने, वञ्चित गरिने, लाभहरू प्रदान गर्नबाट अस्वीकार गरिनेछैन। नागरिक अधिकार शीर्षक VI र ADA शीर्षक II नागरिक अधिकारको कानूनहरूको पालना गर्दै, पोर्टल्यान्डको शहरले शहरका कार्यक्रमहरू, सेवाहरू र क्रियाकलापहरूमा बराबर पहुँच निश्चय गर्नको लागि निम्न प्रदान गर्दछ: अनुवादन र व्याख्या, परिमार्जन, आवास, वैकल्पिक ढाँचाहरू र सहायक सामग्री र सेवाहरू। यी सेवाहरू अनुरोध गर्नको लागि 503-823-2525, रिले सेवा: 711 मा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्।

Chiaku me Awewen Kapas (Chuukese)
Mi annuk non ewe City of Portland pwe esap wor emon esap etiwa an epwe fiti, esap angei feiochun, are epwe kuna iteingau non meinisin an ew tetenimw kewe mokutukut, aninnis, are mwich nongonong won i chon ia, enuan, chon menni muu, weiresin inis, are pwan ew tapin aramas mi auchea are pisekisek. Fan itan an fiti Civil Rights Title VI me ADA Title II annuken pungun manau, ewe City of Portland mi ennetata pwe epwe wor etiwaoch ngeni an ewe tetenimw mokutukut, aninnis, me mwichren an aworaochu: chiaku me awewen kapas, ekkesiwin, etufich, sokonon napanap, me pwan ekkoch minen awewe me aninnis. Ika ka mochen ekkei pekin aninnis, kokori 503-823-2525, Fon Fan Itan Ekkewe mi wor Ar Osukosukan Manau: 711.