Parks Levy Oversight Committee (PLOC) Meeting Feb 2022

Public Meeting
5:30 pm 7:30 pm
Available Online

Year 1, Meeting #3

5:30 PMWelcome and Ice Breaker All
5:40 PMBudget Update and DiscussionTodd Lofgren, Claudio Campuzano, Claire Flynn
6:35 PMBlended Funding ModelClaudio Campuzano
6:45 PMReducing Cost as a BarrierMaximo Behrens
7:20 PMHousekeepingClaire Flynn

Attachments Shared with PLOC

  • FY 2022-23 Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) January 13 Meeting Presentation
  • FY 2022-23 Requested Budget Proposals tagged to Parks Levy Commitments
  • FY 2022-23 Budget Performance Measures tagged to Parks Levy Commitments
  • BAC Letter to City Council for FY 2022-23 Budget
  • Oversight Committee Members – 
    • Alescia Blakely
    • Judy Bluehorse Skelton
    • Maria Velez
    • Paul Agrimis
    • Silas Sanderson
  • PP&R Staff – 
    • Todd Lofgren, Deputy Director
    • Maximo Behrens, Recreation Services Division Manager
    • Claudio Campuzano, Finance, Property, and Technology Manager
    • Sarah Huggins, Sustainable Future Program Manager
    • Melissa Arnold, Community Engagement Manager
    • Claire Flynn, Levy Coordinator
  • Members of the Public – 
    • None
Budget Update and Discussion

Todd, Claudio, and Claire gave an overview of Parks Local Option Levy (Parks Levy) funding in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 (FY23) Requested Budget, submitted to City Council on January 26, 2022.

Todd provided context around budget milestones and how community listening through Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland, a planning framework that will center community voices to create an equitable parks and recreation system, is helping guide our Parks Levy investments. Specifically, as part of the Healthy Parks, Healthy Portland effort, Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) continues to implement a Decision Support Tool to provide a common framework to evaluate choices and investments. Todd reviewed two scoring elements of the Decision Support Tool: the service area map and the Racial Equity Lens and Empowerment Tool.

Claudio then gave an update of PP&R’s five-year forecast for the Parks Levy. Key features included the $166M allocated in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (FY22) Fall Budget Monitoring Process (BMP) and Supplemental Budget – as well as $12M portion of the Parks Levy that PP&R is proposing to allocate as part of the FY23 process. Additionally, Claudio noted that there is $23M available to allocate to ongoing (repeating every year) and $6M available to allocate one-time. 

Claire reviewed the new proposals submitted in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Requested Budget related to the Parks Levy. Each proposal was linked to a primary commitment (one of the 15 commitments listed in the voter’s pamphlet for the Parks Levy measure) to illustrate how the investments align with commitments made to voters. Parks Levy related new proposals in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget request include:

  • Two requests for ongoing support of the Assets & Development operating budget – one to make ongoing the apprenticeship and trainee programs originally approved in the FY22 Fall BMP ($278,959) and the second to support supplies and tools needed for new staff approved in the FY22 Fall BMP ($258,365).
  • One-time resources for consulting services in the Sustainable Future program including support for the annual report, for research and support in developing alternative funding models, and for public polling around funding alternatives.
  • Funding for the implementation ($60,000 one-time) and maintenance ($37,650 ongoing) of a new volunteer management system.
  • A new investment of $475,000 one-time funding in a Community Partnership Program to expand PP&R’s capacity to reach underserved communities and center equity, provide culturally appropriate and accessible services, and create and expand PP&R employment pipelines. This investment aligns with the Parks Levy commitment to increase engagement with volunteer and partner groups, and responds to input from advisory committees (PLOC, BAC, Parks Board) and Commissioner Rubio that community partnerships should be a priority for PP&R. Additionally, the one-time ask builds on PP&R’s ongoing nearly $3 million budget for community partnerships through Teen Collaborative Initiative grants and partner agreements with local community organizations like the Rosewood Initiate, Linnton Community Center, Leach Botanical Gardens, etc. 
  • Investment in reducing the revenue target for Recreation Services ($6.8M) and funding to support Multnomah Arts Center ($905,260) in relieving pressure to achieve full cost recover and focus instead on equity and access.
  • $62,040 one-time funding to allow the Summer Free for All program to shift away from fundraising, creating more operating certainty and increasing access.
  • Addition of an Urban Forestry administrative support position.

Claire also gave an overview of how Parks Levy funding was budgeted between the Parks Levy 15 commitments in Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and Fiscal Year 2022-2023. In Fiscal Year 2022, two of the commitments did not have any budgeted Parks Levy funds, but will have funding to support the commitment:

  • “A community oversight committee will be appointed to review levy expenditures and to report annually to City Council. The Measure also directs the Bureau to provide for a performance audit to ensure that services funded by the levy are consistent with voter intent.” 
    • PP&R recently created an expense category for the Sustainable Future Program and will be moving over the budget for the audit, sustainable future research, and the PLOC to that new expense category in the FY22 Spring Budget Monitoring Process.
    • The new category will then get charged 100% to the Parks Levy and will appear future breakdowns by Parks Levy commitment
  • “Modernize data systems to improve internal efficiency”
    • Does not appear because PP&R is prioritizing Parks Levy funding towards direct services.
    • The Bureau is investing in modernization of data systems, but intends to fund that with General Fund resources, freeing up Parks Levy resources for more direct service delivery.

Additionally, the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 investment of up to $10million for decreasing Recreation’s dependence on fees and keeping community centers and pools open as COVID-19 allows has been split between work groups (like Aquatics, Arts, Sports & Games) that the investment will be supporting. This investment is represented in commitments to deliver recreation programs and provide parks & recreation services to diverse populations. 

Following the overview of the budget financial requests, Todd detailed how the budget performance measures relate to the Actions and Results work and timeline being done as part of Health Parks, Healthy Portland. The Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Requested Budget includes 25 bureau performance measures, three of which are new. Claire noted that 12 of the Bureau performance measures will be used to evaluate performance for Parks Levy funded services, and we’re working to develop performance measures for each of the 15 Parks Levy commitments. Currently, of the 15 Parks Levy commitments, nine commitments have one or more associated performance measures, and two commitments will not be tracked by performance measures. While PP&R is tracking activities that support the four commitments that don’t have performance measures, consistent data and informed targets are still being built out. Claire is currently working with Divisions to build out performance measures for those commitments and plans on having performance measures in place ahead of the Parks Levy annual report at the end of this fiscal year in June.

Paul asked for clarification on the performance measure handout and whether values tied to Parks Levy Commitments indicated cumulative performance results.  PP&R staff clarified that the performance measure values are independent of how many Parks Levy commitments are listed next to the value and are not cumulative. The Parks Levy commitments illustrate which performance metrics can be used going forward to inform Parks Levy investment impact. 

There were no additional questions from the PLOC on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Requested Budget or performance measures.

PLOC members were informed of the opportunity to draft a letter to City Council as part of the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget package about the budget process, their role, and how proposed investments align with Parks Levy voter commitments. Based on the presentation, members agreed that they would like to submit a letter to City Council that included PLOC priorities as discussed in previous meetings and in the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Fall BMP letter to City Council and would like PP&R staff to draft and circulate a draft for their input. Claire shared that members will receive a first draft of the letter and will have a week to provide edits and additional changes. The final draft letter will be finalized and added to PP&R’s budget submission.

Blended Funding Model

Claudio gave a brief presentation on how Parks Levy funding will be combined with General Fund to support Parks-Levy-eligible activities so that little to no PP&R positions, expenses, etc. are fully supported by only the Parks Levy. The blended funding model honors City Council’s continued support of PP&R with General Fund, allowing the Parks Levy to address operational gaps and needs and reserving Parks Levy funding where possible for future use. 

This model preserves Parks Levy funding by making it the last money to pay for Parks-Levy-eligible costs, filling gaps where General Fund does not cover the full expense. The result is a group of services across the Bureau that all have an equivalent blend of General Fund and Parks Levy resources.

Since there will be few to no activities or programs fully funded by just the Parks Levy, PP&R plans on reporting on non-financial data such as actions, programs, and performance measures as a whole, being clear that Parks Levy funding enhanced or helped achieve those outcomes. This eliminates the need to report out a percent of outcomes equal to the percent of Parks Levy funding since it is not a one-to-one relationship of funding to outcome.

Parks Levy Oversight Committee members did not have any questions or comments about the approach.

Reducing Cost as a Barrier

At a prior PLOC meeting, the PLOC prioritized topical areas of interest they wanted to explore, with high priority given to actions PP&R is taking to reduce cost as a barrier.  As a result, Maximo Behrens, the Recreation Services Division manager, was invited to give a topical presentation on how the Recreation Division has begun to implement the Parks Levy commitment to reduce cost as a barrier to access and decrease Recreation’s reliance on fees.

Maximo shared that PP&R made an initial investment in reducing dependency on program fees in Fiscal Year 2021-2022, with up to $10M budgeted, dropping the revenue target for the Recreation Division to just over $5M. In the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Requested Budget, PP&R is budgeting $6.8M specifically for reducing cost as a barrier and preventing cuts for Recreation programs. An additional $905,000 is requested to fund services at Multnomah Arts Center. 

  • Paul asked a clarifying question about the decrease from $10M to $6.8M between Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and if PP&R had seen a decrease in need for financial assistance or if there was other reasoning for decreasing the budgeted amount. Claudio noted that each fiscal year budget has intentionally been a one-time ask to allow for incorporation of lessons learned. In Fiscal Year 2021-2022, PP&R was conservative in estimating how much revenue would come in during the pandemic – meaning that more Parks Levy funding would be needed to cover the revenue that would not be coming in. In Fiscal Year 2022-2023, PP&R has a better understanding of the demand situation overall. 
  • Silas followed up with a question about the level of revenue that came in prior to the pandemic. Claudio noted that fees brought in $15-17M in years prior; therefore, the budget package this year will cover about half of what PP&R would need to bring in via revenue streams. Furthermore, as Pay What You Can or the Access Discount continue to be built out, PP&R remains flexible and can accommodate increased need for financial assistance. 

Maximo then gave an overview of the two pilot discount options implemented in Summer and Fall 2021. The Pay What You Can pilot can be applied to registered activities like classes, lessons, and camps during each registration transaction; discounts of a set amount that can be applied to a maximum of 75% off registered activities. The Access Discount is for drop-in activities and passes like swimming and open gym use. Users register once for the year and the discount is automatically applied to the purchase of passes and drop-in activities until it expires. Neither of the options introduce barriers to utilization, such as income verification, and instead focus on self-attestation of need; however the Access Discount recommends users to select a greater discount if they have a lower income or higher number of individuals in their family.

Maximo also reviewed the data from Pay What You Can in Summer 2021, the first wide-spread application of reducing cost as a barrier:

  • Of the more than 25,000 registrations, 19% applied a Pay What You Can discount (note the data is representative of registrations, not individuals). When looking at individual people, considering that one individual could apply discounts multiple times, about 1,100 people chose discounts that totaled $200 or less. 
  • In total, $232,000 in discounts were applied, or 28% of the potential revenue. While the total discount applied in Summer 2021 is minimal compared to the investment in Recreation, a large majority of the funding provided to Recreation this year has been used to weather COVID and keep programs and facilities open. 

PP&R adapted from summer to fall to refine Pay What You Can, partner engagement, and add the Access Discount for drop-in classes and passes. Maximo noted that, because our Fall session went until early January, PP&R is still in the process of organizing registration and discount data. Claire will be sending out a summary of the findings to the PLOC when completed. 

Fall session partner Pre-Registration allowed for a one-week advanced access to registered activities before they were open for general registration, though no registrants were turned away. Information about the pre-registration window was shared with partner organizations to best serve Parks Levy priority communities: communities of color, seniors, teens, households with low income, immigrants and refugees, and people living with disabilities. Maximo reviewed some of the preliminary data from Winter pre-registrations, noting that there is very little race and ethnicity data available in user accounts. PP&R is refining its approach to encourage customers to share their demographic information to better monitor our program’s impact.

Maximo shared that work is underway to determine how these two pilots transition into a more established plan for reducing cost as a barrier for Fall 2022. Stakeholders will be meeting in late spring of 2022 to review data on Summer, Fall and Winter discount usage, post-registration surveys, staff feedback, and a non-user community survey. Decisions on how to move forward for Fall 2022 implementation be finalized by June. There will be opportunity to revisit this topic with the PLOC at a summer meeting to give an update of what model and adaptations will be applied for Fall 2022, as well as to provide an update on registration patterns from the year. 

PLOC members were then provided the space for discussion, questions, and feedback:

  • Judy expressed gratitude that programs like SUN Schools and Summer Free for All are finally seeing the support to be sufficiently funded. Feedback from the community has consistently noted how impactful these free programs are and continuing to stand them up, and not seeing cuts to their budget or programs, is extremely positive.
  • Silas asked if PP&R has a plan in place for finding out if financial access programs are reaching priority underserved audiences, particularly people who hadn’t been able to previously participate due to cost.
    • Melissa shared that the Community Engagement team is supporting the Recreation Division, in partnership with community-based organizations, to do a non-user survey specifically to collect feedback from people who are not currently participating in PP&R programming to understand who and why.
    • Maximo noted that Recreation made a conscious decision to lean into partnerships with community organizations that have relationships with our priority communities to collect feedback and reach community members.
    • Todd also noted that PP&R has an opportunity every other year to include questions in a city-wide survey conducted through the City Budget Office that will get statistically significant responses from a representative survey population. PP&R is limited in how many questions can be included since other city bureaus also submit service questions. 
    • Currently, PP&R captures how registrants learned about a program or were connected with programming and includes a post-registration survey with questions around cost as a barrier. There is a continued tension between keeping registration barriers low (by leaving survey data as optional and post-registration) and collecting the data up-front as a pre-requisite to registration to ensure questions are answered by all registrants.
    • Silas suggested the Bureau investigate whether a pre-registration and/or required survey might help to gather data from more participants, and that it would be important to have this data.
    • Todd also noted that requiring registration at all creates a barrier to access. In the past, Recreation has needed to have registration processes to collect fees (since a large majority of the budget was brought in via fee revenue). However, now, with the Parks Levy, PP&R is evaluating the right mix of options and researching fee structures –free programming accessible to all Portlanders, evaluating individual benefits of a program, having a fee structure aligned with income levels, etc.
  • Alescia shared that she was excited to see Home Forward partner pre-registration numbers since they did a large push on getting information out. One barrier to entry that Alescia noted was a lack of understanding by residents on COVID requirements (whether a facility was open again, mask requirements, etc.). Additionally, it would be helpful to continue to strive to understand what a welcoming environment looks like for PP&R’s priority communities and ask what is keeping people from engaging in PP&R activities. For example, community members might feel intimidated or not know how to use exercise equipment so demonstrations could be a good way to reduce barriers to participation.
  • Maria asked about plans to continue supporting programs like the financial assistance models when funding streams end or change.
    • Sarah noted that the Parks Levy was an early initiative of the Sustainable Future Program that PP&R established as a response to previous funding cuts and having to increase fees. Because the Parks Levy is a five-year temporary levy, not a permanent funding source, PP&R continues to work towards identifying a sustainable funding stream to continue to provide the programs and services PP&R is able to provide with the Parks Levy onward into year six. The Parks Levy provides an opportunity for PP&R to reduce cost as a barrier and show how we can provide services to populations that haven’t had access before, hopefully putting PP&R in a good position to garner support for continuation of that.
    • The Sustainable Future Program is also looking at addressing PP&R’s $500M deferred maintenance gap. The Sustainable Future program is looking at mechanisms like a capital maintenance bond, renewal of the temporary levy, park district, income tax, and a food and beverage tax. These are all options that City Council encouraged PP&R to explore in a November 2019 work session.
  • Maria also asked about the possibility to leverage other programs’ intake forms to share and collect additional information (For example, if a SUN school gives a form to a student/family, is there a question about what other PP&R programs a family is participating in?)
    • Maximo shared that PP&R has collaborative agreements for information sharing with school partners and other partner organizations. The collaboration used to be using partnerships to share PP&R programs and fees, however, now PP&R has an opportunity to share access models and information about programs accessible to more individuals and families – and vice versa as partners can collaborate on programs with PP&R. 


Claire proposed moving to a more regular PLOC meeting schedule so members have a better idea of when meetings will be – with the idea that, if there is a conflict, the PLOC can move the meeting as necessary to allow as many members as possible to attend (ideally the full five). Based on the annual budget schedule, it was proposed that meetings occur in late January, May, early September, and November. PLOC members agreed that a regular calendar hold was feasible, and Claire noted that she would send out the calendar placeholders after the meeting. 

Claire also shared that, based on group interest submitted via the SurveyMonkey to prioritize topics of interest, it is proposed that the group hear a presentation about the Racial Equity Lens and Decision Support Tool, as well as the plans to update the Racial Equity Statement as part of Health Parks, Healthy Portland, at the next meeting. PLOC members agreed. 

Claire and Melissa thanked all members for their commitment to the PLOC and reminded members on next steps (PLOC letter to City Council on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget).

Meaningful Access Statement

It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any city program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or other protected class status. Adhering to Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II civil rights laws, the City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, contact 503-823-2525, or for Relay Service or TTY, contact 711.

Traducción e Interpretación (Spanish)
Es política de la Ciudad de Portland que ninguna persona sea excluida de participación, se le nieguen los beneficios, o esté sujeta a discriminación en ningún programa, servicio o actividad de la ciudad por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, discapacidad u otra condición de clase protegida. En cumplimiento con los Derechos Civiles Título VI y con las leyes de derechos civiles del ADA Título II, la Ciudad de Portland asegura el acceso significativo a programas, servicios y actividades de la ciudad al brindar de manera razonable: traducción e interpretación, modificaciones, adaptaciones, formatos alternativos y ayudas y servicios auxiliares. Para solicitar estos servicios, llame al 503-823-2525, al TTY de la ciudad o al servicio para las personas con problemas auditivos: 711.
Solicitud de traducción o interpretación de PP&R

Biên Dịch và Thông Dịch (Vietnamese)
Chính sách của Thành Phố Portland là không ai bị loại khỏi, bị từ chối phúc lợi, hoặc bị phân biệt đối xử trong bất kỳ chương trình, dịch vụ hay hoạt động nào của thành phố dựa trên chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, khuyết tật, hoặc tình trạng khác được pháp luật bảo vệ. Tuân theo Đạo Luật Dân Quyền (Civil Rights) Khoản VI và Đạo Luật ADA Khoản II, Thành Phố Portland đảm bảo sự tiếp cận hiệu quả đối với các chương trình, dịch vụ và hoạt động của thành phố bằng cách cung cấp một cách hợp lý: dịch vụ biên dịch và thông dịch, biện pháp điều chỉnh, sửa đổi, hình thức thay thế, và thiết bị và dịch vụ phụ trợ.  Để yêu cầu các dịch vụ này, hãy liên hệ 503-503-823-2525, Dịch Vụ Chuyển Tiếp: 711.
Yêu Cầu Dịch Vụ Biên Dịch Hoặc Thông Dịch Liên Quan Đển PP&R

口笔译服务 (Simplified Chinese)
波特兰市的政策规定,任何人不得因种族、肤色、国籍、残疾或其他受保护的身份状态而被禁止参与任何城市计划、服务或活动或享有任何城市计划、服务或活动的福利,也不得被歧视。根据《民权法》第六章和 ADA 第二章“民权法”的规定,波特兰市须确保市民能够平等参与城市计划、服务和活动,为此要根据需要提供以下各项:口笔译服务、方案修改、住宿、替代格式、辅助工具和服务。如需申请这些服务,请致电 503-823-2525,转接服务:711。
要求 PP&R 笔译或口译

Устный и письменный перевод (Russian)
Политика администрации Портленда запрещает отстранять от участия в городских программах и мероприятиях, отказывать в обслуживании и льготах или иным образом подвергать дискриминации на основании расы, цвета кожи, национальности, инвалидности или иного защищенного статуса. В соответствии с разделом VI Закона о гражданских правах и разделом II Закона о правах американских граждан с ограниченными возможностями администрация Портленда заботится о полноценном доступе жителей к городским программам, услугам и мероприятиям. При необходимости доступны устный и письменный перевод, адаптивные меры, специальные устройства, материалы в альтернативном формате и иные вспомогательные средства и услуги. Для заказа этих услуг свяжитесь с нами. Телефон: 503-823-2525; служба коммутируемых сообщений: 711.
Запрос на письменный или устный перевод информации о PP&R

Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad (Somali)
Waxaa kucad siyasada Mgalaada Portland in qofna loodiidi karin kaqaybgalka, loodiidi karin gunooyinka, ama aan latakoori karin wax kamid ah barnaamijyada magalaada, adeegga, ama shaqo sababo laxariira isirkiisam midabkiisa, wadankiisa, naafonimadiisa, ama xaalad kale oo sharcigu difaacaayo. Ayadoo raacaysa Sharciga Xaquuqda Madaniga ah ee Title VI iyo ADA Title II ee sharciyada xaquuqda madaniga ah, Magaalada Portland waxay xaqiijinaysaa barnaamijyo lawada heli karo oo macno leh ayna bixiso magaaladu, adeegyo, iyo shaqooyin ayadoo si sax ah ubixinaysa: turjumaad iyo soojeedin, isbadalo, adeegyo caawimaad ah, noocyo kaladuwan, iyo caawimaado iyo adeegyo dheeri ah. Si aad ucodsato adeegyadaan, wac 503-823-2525, Adeegga Caawimada: 711.

Письмовий і усний переклад (Ukrainian)
Згідно з політикою міста Портленд, жодну особу не можна позбавляти права на участь, відмовляти їй у матеріальній допомозі або піддавати її дискримінації в будь-якій програмі, службі чи діяльності міста на підставі раси, кольору шкіри, етнічного походження, інвалідності або іншого статусу захищених класів. Дотримуючись законів про права громадян, а саме розділу VI Прав громадян і розділу ІІ Закону про права американських громадян з обмеженими можливостями, місто Портленд забезпечує значний доступ до програм, служб і заходів міста, надаючи такі послуги: письмовий і усний переклад, модифікування, адаптування, альтернативні формати, додаткову допомогу й інше. Запитати ці послуги можна, скориставшись контактними даними: 503-823-2525, служба комутаційних повідомлень: 711.

Traducere și interpretariat (Romanian)
Este politica orașului Portland ca nicio persoană să nu fie exclusă din programe, servicii sau activități ale orașului, să nu i se refuze acestea și să nu facă obiectul unor discriminări pe bază de rasă, culoare, naționalitate, dizabilități sau alte situații vizând categorii protejate. Respectând legile privind drepturile civile „Civil Rights” (Drepturile Civile), articolul VI, și „ADA” (Americans with Disabilities Act - Legea privind americanii cu dizabilități), articolul II, orașul Portland asigură acces adecvat la programe, servicii și activități ale orașului oferind, în mod rezonabil: servicii de traducere și interpretariat, modificări, cazare, formate diferite, ajutoare și servicii auxiliare. Pentru a solicita aceste servicii, contactați 503-823-2525, Serviciu de retransmitere: 711.

अनुवादनतथाव्याख्या (Nepali)
पोर्टल्यान्डको शहरको नीति हो कि कुनै पनि व्यक्तिलाई जाति, रङ, राष्ट्रिय मूल, असक्षमता वा अन्य संरक्षित वर्गीकरण स्थितिको आधारमा कुनै पनि शहरका कार्यक्रम, सेवा वा क्रियाकलापमा सहभागी हुन भेदभाव गरिने, वञ्चित गरिने, लाभहरू प्रदान गर्नबाट अस्वीकार गरिनेछैन। नागरिक अधिकार शीर्षक VI र ADA शीर्षक II नागरिक अधिकारको कानूनहरूको पालना गर्दै, पोर्टल्यान्डको शहरले शहरका कार्यक्रमहरू, सेवाहरू र क्रियाकलापहरूमा बराबर पहुँच निश्चय गर्नको लागि निम्न प्रदान गर्दछ: अनुवादन र व्याख्या, परिमार्जन, आवास, वैकल्पिक ढाँचाहरू र सहायक सामग्री र सेवाहरू। यी सेवाहरू अनुरोध गर्नको लागि 503-823-2525, रिले सेवा: 711 मा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्।

Chiaku me Awewen Kapas (Chuukese)
Mi annuk non ewe City of Portland pwe esap wor emon esap etiwa an epwe fiti, esap angei feiochun, are epwe kuna iteingau non meinisin an ew tetenimw kewe mokutukut, aninnis, are mwich nongonong won i chon ia, enuan, chon menni muu, weiresin inis, are pwan ew tapin aramas mi auchea are pisekisek. Fan itan an fiti Civil Rights Title VI me ADA Title II annuken pungun manau, ewe City of Portland mi ennetata pwe epwe wor etiwaoch ngeni an ewe tetenimw mokutukut, aninnis, me mwichren an aworaochu: chiaku me awewen kapas, ekkesiwin, etufich, sokonon napanap, me pwan ekkoch minen awewe me aninnis. Ika ka mochen ekkei pekin aninnis, kokori 503-823-2525, Fon Fan Itan Ekkewe mi wor Ar Osukosukan Manau: 711.