Ladybug Walk at Mt Tabor Park - 11 am
Ladybug Nature Walks are a way for children ages 0-6 (and an adult) to explore a local Portland park. Walks are child-directed and open-ended. Children learn through questions, observation, and play. Nature educators walk with the families in small groups that move slowly through the park. We stop often, allowing children time to notice the plants and animals around them.
Walks last one hour. Content is geared for children ages 18 months-6 years. (Younger siblings under 18 months are welcome. Please give us their names and ages when prompted during registration.)
While exploring with a nature educator, children borrow a small Ladybug backpack containing a few simple tools.
Register for this Ladybug Walk
Program changes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ladybug Walks have some new guidelines to comply with COVID-19 protocols. If you are interested in participating, please read details carefully.
We will be offering two walks each day of programming (with a few exceptions). Please make sure you are registering for the correct walk.
- Walk 1 - 9:30-10:30am
- Walk 2 - 11:00am-Noon
Due to small group sizes, spots are limited.
All children and adults will need to be able to follow these guidelines to participate in a walk:
- Registration is required. All children 18 months - 6 years must register. List information about the adult attending and any younger siblings coming along during registration.
- Group sizes are limited. Walks are for children ages birth through 6 and their caregivers or parents.
- Physical distancing is required. Everyone must stay 6' feet apart from people not living in the same household.
- Face coverings are required for everyone age three and older (3+). Face coverings must cover the nose and mouth. If your 3-6 year old is not yet able to wear a mask, start practicing now so they are ready.
- Signed liability waiver is required. A COVID-19 waiver must be completed for everyone during the registration process. (A waiver signed for a child also covers the parent who signs the waiver. Adults who are not the parent will need to sign the waiver once on site.)
- You will be screened for symptoms when you arrive. Our staff will be screening everyone arriving for COVID-like symptoms on the day of the walk. If you are sick, please withdraw from the program to keep others safe. You will receive a full refund as long as you withdraw before the start time of your walk. Withdraw online or contact 503-823-1149 .
- No sharing of supplies or equipment. We will still be providing ladybug backpacks and sanitized tools for each child, but ask that children only touch their own equipment. All supplies are sanitized after each walk and all backpacks rest for 72 hours before being used again.
- Follow general sanitation guidelines. Please have all participants wash or sanitize hands when they arrive, after using the bathroom, and at the end of the walk. Cover your coughs and sneezes. Stay home if you are ill.