- Play Swim Schedules
- Lap Swim and Water Fitness Schedules
- Swimming Pools and Lessons - this link will take you to our PP&R Swimming Pools page where you can find more information about fees, policies, swim lesson descriptions, and more.
American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Project
The City received an American Rescue Plan (ARPA) grant to enhance park visitor and staff safety and protect park assets through improved security infrastructure at park maintenance and recreation facilities.
Using part of these funds, the chain link fence around Creston Pool will be replaced with fencing that will increase pool users’ security and safety. The project will also include two ADA accessible push-bar doors installed along the new fence. Work will take place outside of the pool’s open season. Estimated work dates will be posted when the schedule is created.
There will be no disruption to pool use.
Accessibility Notes
All-User Changing Rooms
Creston Outdoor Pool facilities feature two all-user changing rooms.