Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard Project

Under Construction
Mt. Tabor Yard serves as the central dispatch for PP&R maintenance and nursery services for over 160 employees who are responsible for maintaining parks facilities and services across the city.
Image shows the greenhouse and other warehouse buildings located in the Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard.
Construction started in October 2021, with expected completion in Summer 2024
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Project Updates

A silver bridge connects to Mt Tabor Park

March 29, 2024 

The new pedestrian and bicycle path at SE 64th Avenue and Division is open early, just in time for the weekend sunshine!
The long-awaited multiuse trail at SE 64th Avenue and Division Street connects to new street improvements, including a new sidewalk along SE 64th Avenue between SE Sherman and Lincoln Streets. This will provide South Tabor neighbors a safer, more accessible way to visit Mt. Tabor Park when rolling or walking.
Along the route, look out for the public art installed in partnership with the Regional Arts & Culture Council. At three locations, there are small plaza areas featuring seat walls and boulders inscribed with poetry that surround new trees. The art is a collaboration between Stephanie Adams-Santos, Samiya Bashir, Trevino Brings Plenty, Adam Kuby, Anis Mojgani, Sam Roxas-Chua, and Dao Strom. Learn more about the art and poetry process.  
To allow for safer crossings, the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has installed temporary crosswalk striping on SE Division Street at SE 64th Street. This path will connect to PBOT's upcoming 60s Greenway project
Grassy field with Mt Tabor Park and fenced garden area behind it
Rendering of plant storage area on the Long Block - looking east from SE Lincoln Street

November 2021

Construction mobilization for the Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard project began the week of October 18, 2021.

The project will include:

  • Construction of a  new maintenance shop inside the Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard
  • Demolition and grading work associated with the new project elements
  • New paving, lighting, and utilities within and adjacent to the Maintenance Yard
  • A fenced storage area on the Long Block for PP&R’s Horticulture Services’ potted plants and trees. The fence will be 6' and similar in style to the community garden fence, with landscape plantings on the north and south side. (The Long Block is the area between SE 60th - 64th Avenues, between SE Harrison and Lincoln Streets.)
  • A new greenhouse in the Upper Nursery area north of Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard
  • A multimodal pathway at SE 64th Avenue and Division Street to improve connections to Mt. Tabor Park for the South Tabor neighborhood
  • Half-street improvements, including a new sidewalk, along SE 64th Avenue between SE Sherman and Lincoln Streets 
  • Native plants landscaping, including over 100 new trees
  • Public art installation in partnership with the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC)

The project will be built in four phases:

  • Phase 1 - Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
    Construction of plant storage area in the Long Block and a new greenhouse in the Upper Nursery.
  • Phase 2 - Spring 2022 – Fall 2022
    Demolition inside the Maintenance Yard
  • Phase 3 – Fall 2022 – Summer 2023
    Construction of maintenance workshop, multi-modal pathway,  and half-street improvements on SE 64th Avenue
  • Phase 4 – Winter 2022 – Winter 2023/24
    Completion of remaining construction, including paving, utilities, and art installation

Click here to view a map of the phases. 

Construction Impacts

The rest of Mt. Tabor Park, including the community garden and off-leash dog area, will remain open to the community. Please use caution when driving, walking, or biking near the construction areas. 

The area between the future greenhouse site and the construction staging area is an active construction site. To ensure everyone's safety, we need to limit access to the informal road running west-east in this area to construction use only. Many neighbors may be used to using this informal pathway just north of the Yard (off SE 64th Avenue between SE Lincoln and Grant Streets) to access the off-leash dog area at Mt. Tabor Park. During construction, we are asking the community to use the paved pathway north of SE Lincoln Street and SE 64th Avenue to access the dog off-leash area. Our goal is to protect you and your furry companions, so separating heavy construction equipment from families and dogs is the best route for everyone. 

Construction hours will be typically Monday through Friday, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, with occasional weekend work. Construction vehicles and deliveries for the Long Block and Upper Nursery will generally use SE Lincoln Street. Deliveries for the new Maintenance Yard building will generally use SE Division Street. Neighbors can expect typical construction noise and some additional construction-related traffic.

June 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and significant construction cost increases over the past year, City procurement, contracting, and permitting processes have taken longer than originally planned. We currently anticipate construction to begin in fall 2021, with completion in spring/summer 2023.  

September 2020

We are happy to share that the project is on the schedule in early September to ask for City Council’s authorization to bid this project for construction using a Request for Proposals (RFP) approach. The project will be posted by Procurement Services for bids after City Council gives its approval. 

February 2020

We are still in the checksheet process of permit review. We do not have a firm start date yet for construction.

July 2019

Construction documents are complete. We are currently coordinating permit submittals to the Bureau of Development Services. Following that, we enter the procurement process for bidding and contracting. 

July 2018

We have received approval of this project from the Landmarks Commission and are now moving forward with construction drawings. 

May 2018

We are pleased to say the improvements at Mt. Tabor Maintenance Yard and Nursery are moving forward. We appreciate all those who have helped shape the plans to upgrade working conditions for PP&R staff at the Yard and enhance the neighborhood connections to Mt. Tabor Park.  

The next step is a hearing with the Historic Landmarks Commission on Monday, May 21.  

October 2017

The 2nd Mt. Tabor Yard Open House was held on October 24, 2017, at Warner Pacific College. View the presentation materials and comments received

March 2017

A community conversation was held with neighbors on March 9 at Western Seminary to discuss future uses of the Long Block. The Long Block is the area between SE Harrison and Lincoln Street from SE 60th - SE 64th Avenue. It has historically been the site of nursery plant and tree production for PP&R for over 100 years, and a community garden was added in 2013. Since the tree nursery area was removed in 2014, the western portion of the Long Block has not had a horticultural function, and it has been used by the community as a flexible, open space. The 2008 Master Plan gave this area a horticultural designation. 

October 2016

A community Open House was held on October 8.

Summer 2015

Parks staff met with the previous planning group members and attended the Mt. Tabor Neighborhood Association and the South Tabor Neighborhood Association meetings in July 2015 to provide a project overview and timeline.

Project Overview

Mt. Tabor Yard serves as the central dispatch for PP&R maintenance and nursery services for over 160 employees who are responsible for maintaining parks facilities and services across the city. Services housed at the Yard include turf and irrigation, equipment, structures, engineering, athletic fields/ball fields, administrative, horticulture, community gardens, zone management, aquatics/fountains, and stores.

The central maintenance facility at Mt. Tabor has not kept up with the growth of the park system. Many of the existing structures that were originally designed as horse stables are now home to offices and workspaces. Maintenance equipment has grown significantly in size – some mowers are now too large to fit into the bays of the shops, so repair work occurs outside in the driveway. Many improvements are needed to improve safety for workers and visitors.   

Issues at the Yard include:

  • The site lacks adequate parking, office, and storage space for current needs.
  • Most of the site is not ADA-accessible.
  • Most of the buildings do not meet OSHA or current building codes for seismic stability, fire, and life safety.
  • The site is not secure, risking the loss of expensive equipment.
  • Air quality, mold, and heating systems are concerns.
  • Vehicle circulation and parking is inadequate for the size and numbers of vehicles that visit or work at the Yard.
  • The number of restrooms, lockers, and showers are inadequate for the size of the workforce.

In 2008, Council adopted the Mt. Tabor Master Plan Update which amended the 2000 Mt. Tabor Master Plan to include the Mt. Tabor Central Maintenance Yard and Nursery Master Plan. This was the culmination of a year-long planning process in partnership with the Mt. Tabor and South Tabor neighborhoods and a 35-member planning group. 

Project Phases

Work at Mt. Tabor Yard is being funded by several sources and will be built in two phases, with guidance from the Mt. Tabor Yard Master Plan

Phase 1

Phase 1 was funded in Fiscal Year 2014/15 by Major Maintenance funds. The scope includes items that address immediate concerns and will not conflict with future master plan development. Phase 1 includes:

  • Westside shed demolition
  • New modular offices for turf and irrigation crew, aquatics crew, and carpenters.

Phase 2

In November 2014, voters approved the Parks Replacement Bond that included $10 million for maintenance facility work at Mt. Tabor Yard and Urban Forestry’s Yard at Delta Park. This funding allows a further scope of work that addresses some of the highest site needs and implements a phase of the master plan at each site. Scope of work for Tabor Yard includes:

  • Fire hydrant and improved security
  • Build new west side shop/warehouse per 2008 Mt. Tabor Yard Master Plan

Mt. Tabor Multi-Modal Path at SE 64th Avenue and Division Street

Another element from the Mt. Tabor Yard Master Plan, the public path connecting the South Tabor Neighborhood to Mt. Tabor Park will be designed and constructed in Phase 2 and will be funded by System Development Charges (SDCs).

Fueling Station

The Office of Management & Finance (OMF) has allocated resources to replace its fueling station at Mt. Tabor Yard with a new station at the location identified in the 2008 Tabor Yard Master Plan. The schedule of this project is being coordinated with OMF to avoid conflicts with the parks-funded projects, but the timeline is not yet known.

Project Schedule

Phase 1

Prep work, demolition of west side sheds, and replacement of work areas with modular offices.

  • Work is complete on the installation of the modular offices, staff have moved in, and the west shed demolition is on hold.  

Phase 2 - Fall 2015 - Summer 2024

Construction of new west-side warehouse and bike/pedestrian pathway.

  • Fall 2015 - Summer 2016: Contracting for Design Services, Negotiations, and Contract Award
  • Summer 2016 - Winter 2016/17: Schematic Design, Community Open House
  • Winter 2016/17 - Spring 2017: Design Development, Community Engagement
  • Spring 2017 - Spring 2018: Type III Conditional Use and Historic Review, Community Involvement
  • Summer 2018 - Summer 2019: Construction Documents Development 
  • Fall 2019 -  Summer 2021: Permitting, Bidding, and Contract Negotiations
  • Fall 2021 - Summer 2023: Construction 
    • Phase 1 - Fall 2021 – Spring 2022:  Construction of plant storage area in the Long Block and a new greenhouse in the Upper Nursery.
    • Phase 2 - Spring 2022 – Fall 2022:  Demolition inside the Maintenance Yard
    • Phase 3 – Fall 2022 – Spring 2024:  Construction of maintenance workshop, multi-modal pathway,  and half-street improvements on SE 64th Avenue
    • Phase 4 – Spring 2024 – Summer 2024:  Completion of remaining construction, including paving, utilities, and art installation

Community Engagement Meetings and Materials

  • Mt. Tabor Yard Construction


Mt. Tabor Community Garden

Community Garden
Park Location or Entrance
SE 64th Avenue and Lincoln Street
Portland, OR 97215
Park Location or Entrance
SE 60th Avenue and Salmon Street
Portland, OR 97215


Maija Spencer (she, they)

Senior Community Engagement Coordinator


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