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Project Background
In November 2014, Portland City Council designated $300,000 from 2014’s fall supplemental budget for new park plans (previously known as master plans) for eastside parks. In April 2015, PP&R, the East Portland Parks Committee, and Commissioner Amanda Fritz engaged the community in a public outreach process to determine which sites should be prioritized as part of the eastside park planning process. Based on that process and PP&R staff input, Commissioner Fritz chose to fund a park plan for Mill Park and Midland Park, in a concurrent process, as requested by the Mill Park Neighborhood Association.
Midland Park is located behind the Midland Library on SE Morrison St. and SE 122nd Ave. in the Mill Park neighborhood in Southeast Portland. It has a soft-surface walking trail, nature patch, and mature trees but is otherwise underdeveloped. Thanks to $2.8 million in funding from System Development Charges, PP&R now has funds to improve this park. Summer of 2024 parks the start of planning to develop the park based on the 2017 Park Plan preferred design.
The Park Plan (previously known as a Master Plan) for Midland and Mill Park was drawn from the thoughtful ideas and feedback provided by diverse communities in East Portland. We created one plan for the two parks in a concurrent process due to their close proximity to each other. It reflects a collaboration involving neighbors and community groups to create a welcoming space with activities for people of all ages. The park plan and preferred design is a general outline of what Mill and Midland Park could become as resources for development are available. Based on community ideas and feedback, the plan identified the primary uses and features and began to arrange these features within the park spaces. The Mill and Midland Park Plan was approved by Portland City Council on November 8, 2017.
Midland Park Design Elements
Local neighborhood leader Jane Baker envisioned using this previously-overgrown vacant lot as a teaching tool for students in local schools. This living lab would allow students to learn how plants and animals live together in a natural habitat in an urban setting. The park’s location adjacent to Midland Library is complementary to this vision of an instrument for education. The site has many trees, thus offers potential for increased habitat enhancement.
Elements in the preferred design:
- Playground with natural play features
- Reading area near library windows
- Gathering area and game tables
- Paved pathway with benches
- Native landscaping with nature trails
Midland Park Preferred Design Plan
Midland Park Preferred Design Plan 1.82 MB
Related Projects at Midland Park
Midland Park Nature Patch
Portland Parks & Recreation created a nature patch at Midland Park to foster habitat for wildlife, add fun features for you to explore, and improve safety and accessibility.