Project Overview
During the 2013 Master Plan process, the Laurelwood Park community chose a design concept centered around a new plaza anchored along SE Holgate Boulevard. Pathways extend from the plaza to provide connections to Foster Road and the adjacent property to the east. This arrangement creates two lawn areas and individual planting areas, and a location designated as an area for an art installation. An arbor is located on the south side of the plaza that will act as both a shelter and a community icon. Seat walls extend along the Holgate Boulevard and Foster Road frontage to provide seating and provide protection from the busy roadways. The seat wall continues around an outdoor plaza to provide fixed seating and a feature to designate various use areas within the park.
Laurelwood Park Master Plan
Project Updates
March 2022
In the final step of our Laurelwood Park Improvement Project, we are excited to announce that an artist has been selected to produce the public art that will be installed in Laurelwood Park. More information on the selected artist will be announced soon.
Portland Parks & Recreation, together with the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC), would like to thank the community members who participated in our Artist Selection Panel: Sande Bea Allman, Travis Wheeler, Ellie Russell, and Jasmine Co. We are grateful for the time and effort you all took to help us select our artist for the Laurelwood Park project.
December 22, 2021
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) is excited to announce the reopening of the newly renovated Laurelwood Park at SE 64th Street and Foster Road is complete. The park is poised to become a central gathering spot for Foster-Powell neighbors.
December 2021
The Laurelwood Park plantings and grasses are becoming more established each day. The fences will come down when our horticulture experts deem the plantings ready to go. We anticipate that will happen the week of December 20. Stay tuned!
October 2021
We are thrilled to inform you that your new Laurelwood Park is largely complete. The one item that we continue to work on is electrical service technical issues. We hope to get this resolved in the coming weeks. Once resolved we will update this web page to inform you of plans surrounding a grand opening date. Thank you for your continued patience. We hope you love the improvements as much as we do.
September 2021
The park is nearly complete! The majority of the landscape went in this week and will be finalized the week of September 20. Concrete walks along both Foster and Holgate are complete. Site furnishings are currently being installed.
July 2021
Construction at Laurelwood Park is moving along. The seat wall (around the perimeter of the park) and semi-circle arbor (surrounding the plaza) are underway, and looking great! If all continues as expected, we remain on track for a fall 2021 opening.
January 2021
Construction at Laurelwood Park will be starting in February with completion anticipated in fall 2021. We are excited to see the vision that was captured as part of the master planning process come to life soon. Construction activities on the site will be starting this February and we look forward to a grand opening celebration upon completion. Thank you for your patience. Getting this project to this point has taken longer than anticipated under current circumstances. However, we feel it will be well worth the wait.
November 2020
Permits have been secured for the project and we are entering into the bid process. If all goes as planned, we are hopeful to break ground in early 2021.
January 2020
Arborists will be on site on Monday, January 27, 2020, completing root investigations to better inform the new park design, with the intent of saving existing trees. Any trees that are considered a hazard (dead, dying, or dangerous) per Urban Forestry and project arborist standards will require removal ahead of the park redevelopment. Any hazardous tree removal will likely occur in late January-early February 2020. Per Urban Forestry standards, any tree removal will be replaced by an appropriate tree during the park redevelopment.
June 2019
In June of 2019, Portland Parks & Recreation Commissioner in charge, Nick Fish, allocated $1.4 million from System Development Charges (SDC) to make the master plan a reality.
Portland Parks & Recreation hosted a Laurelwood Park Renovation Project Open House on June 24, 2019.