Project Overview
Thanks to funding from the Parks Replacement Bond and a contribution from System Development Charges, outdated play structures have been replaced with safe and updated play equipment and rubberized safety surfacing at Creston Park's playground.
An ADA-accessible pathway was installed from the SE 43rd Avenue parking lot to the playground. Other ADA improvements included a new drinking fountain and benches.
Project Timeline
- Spring 2018 - Summer 2018: Design Development and Public Involvement
- May 2018: Community Gathering #1: Give input on 3 design concepts.
- November 2018: Community Gathering #2: Review a draft of the final plan and give feedback.
- Winter 2018/19 - Spring 2019: Construction Documents
- Summer 2019 - Winter 2019/20: Permitting and Bidding
- Spring 2020 - Fall 2020: Construction
Project Update - October 2020
The fences are down, and the playground is open for use! Read the news release for more details. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an opening celebration was not held.
Project Update - March 2020
We are happy to announce that construction mobilization will begin in mid-April 2020, with expected completion in Fall 2020. Given the current COVID-19 situation, it is possible that project delays could arise, and we will keep you updated if things change.
During construction, park users can anticipate the following impacts:
- The entire playground and the SE Francis Street park entrance will be closed to public use.
- The restrooms near the playground will be closed.
- There will not be a Free Lunch + Play program this summer.
- There will be a temporary, shorter closure of the pathways and restrooms near the large picnic area to create a new ADA accessible path from the large parking lot near SE 43rd Avenue to the playground. This work will occur later in 2020.
- A portion of the dog off-leash area may be used for construction staging, and it will be fenced off for everyone's safety. The majority of the off-leash area will remain open for use.
- The outdoor pool, fields, other park entrances, and other areas of the park will remain open.
- View a map of areas closed for construction here.
- Work will generally occur during the City's allowed construction hours of 7am - 6pm. Because of the adjacency to the residential neighborhood, we are asking contractors to aim to start noisy activities after 8am. We currently do not anticipate any work on weekends.
Thanks for your patience while we make these improvements to your park!
Project Update - November 2018
In May 2018, PP&R asked for your input on three design options shared at an open house and online. Read here what we heard from you and your neighbors. Commissioner Amanda Fritz announced in August 2018 an allocation of an additional $850,000 in System Development Charge funds for this project. At the community gathering event on November 8, PP&R and the design team from Mayer/Reed, Inc. shared a draft of the final design that incorporates community input and these additional funds. Feedback was taken at the meeting, and an online comment form was available until November 19.
The project will now move forward to the next phases: design development and construction documents. Construction is expected to begin in Spring 2020 and wrap-up in Fall 2020.
- View the draft of the final design for the new playground coming to Creston Park that was shared at the November 8 Community Gathering.
- Read what we heard about the final design.
Project Update - August 2018
We are pleased to share that at the August 27 Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association meeting, Commissioner Amanda Fritz announced her allocation of an additional $850,000 in System Development Charge (SDCs) funds to the Creston Park playground project. This will supplement the already allocated $1.1 million in Parks Replacement Bond funding and $100,000 in SDCs already granted, nearly doubling the project budget to a total of $2,050,000.
We thank Commissioner Fritz for her support of this project and ensuring that funding is adequate to meet the project’s goals and the community’s needs at Creston Park. She noted she had heard from many neighbors about the need for swings at Creston Park, especially with the recent removal of the swings near the western park entrance due to safety issues.
These funds will allow us to expand and enhance the park’s playground using universal design principles, in particular adding play equipment designed for kids of all abilities and for those 5 years old and under. We also be able to maintain the existing tree canopy.
Other project features will include:
- Swings (individual, tot, and group options)
- ADA-accessible picnic tables
- ADA-accessible playground features
- ADA path improvements into and within the park
- New drinking fountain
- Park benches
Community engagement, design, and planning are continuing; construction is anticipated to begin in winter of 2019 and to be completed by spring of 2020. Nearly 3,000 homes are within Creston Park’s service area.
We are planning a community open house event on Thursday, November 8, 2018 to share the updated playground design, incorporating these additional funds, and to gather community feedback.
Project Update - August 2018
Portland Parks & Recreation had to remove the swings located near the western park entrance (separate from the main play area), as we identified safety compliance issues with them. Specifically, our certified playground maintenance technician noted that the swing support needed significant repairs. Further, the swings in this location did not provide an adequate safe use zone required for fall protection, per requirements. Large tree roots are present within the “fall zone," so the swings did not meet federal safety standards. We know that the park’s play equipment is an important neighborhood asset, but safety is the top priority of Portland Parks & Recreation.
Project Materials and Meeting Summaries
- Map of construction closures at Creston Park - Spring 2020 - Fall 2020 (pdf)
- Rendering of new playground coming to Creston Park (pdf)
- Final Plan for Playground - March 2020 (pdf)
- November 2018 - Comment Form Summary (pdf)
- November 8 Presentation Boards (pdf)
- Creston Park Community Gathering - November 8 (pdf)
- May 2018 - Comment Form Summary (pdf)
- May 21 Presentation Boards (pdf)
- Creston Park Technical Investigation - May 2018 (pdf)
- Creston Park Community Gathering - May 21 (pdf)