Engineering And Design
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R), in partnership with Metro, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) as well as many community partners, is working to create a safe path for bicycles and pedestrians to cross Columbia Boulevard at Chimney Park.
Design starting back up in Fall 2024
On this Page
Bridge Over Columbia Boulevard
This new bike and pedestrian bridge over Columbia Boulevard will link Chimney Park to St. Johns Prairie and connect our community to more opportunities to bike, walk or roll safely.
Puente sobre Columbia Boulevard
El nuevo puente peatonal y para bicicletas sobre Columbia Boulevard unirá Chimney Park con St. Johns Prairie y conectará a nuestra comunidad con más oportunidades para andar en bici, a pie o sobre ruedas de manera segura.
Community Outreach Report - January 2020
Pier Park and Chimney Park Context Map
Regional Trails System Plan
Project Schedule
- Summer 2019 - Fall 2020 - Contract negotiation, alignment alternatives, 30% design
- Winter 2020/21 - Spring 2023 - Pause for additional funding
- Fall 2024 - Design process resumes. The project design is currently at a 30% level of completion and upon approval from ODOT will resume. Additional schedule detail will be posted in future updates.